This test reaffirmed that I am an authoritative parent most of the time with some degree of permissive. At the same time, I can be flexible and compliant with my kid if I see that he deserves it. Yes, I am the mother that thinks that your kid has to obey and listen to what the parent says. Meaning not just because we are older, but we want the best for our kids. I am the mother who thinks that it is important to follow rules and having discipline at home prepares our kids for society.
This quiz showed me that I am emotionally stable and open to new experiences. Also, my levels of being an extroverted person are relatively higher than being an introverted person. Yes, I am a person who thinks that we never stop learning. I am open to new experiences in a good way that doesn’t mean that I have tried or will try drugs. I am also careful when making
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I agree that I have to work on listening to the other side of a person’s opinion. I need to express my thoughts clearly and concisely. Furthermore, I feel the need to listen more actively. I need to work my communication skills to achieve higher levels of self-esteem, assertiveness, and social wellbeing.
Dr. Phil’s Personality Test
This test showed that other people view me as sensible, cautious, thoughtful, and modest. This test also showed that it takes time for me to trust people. Also, it takes a long time for me to rebound from an untruthful situation. My score showed that I am a loyal friend. Yes, I can be agreeable, but I am slow to grow friendships.
In general, my personality is a strong. Another result from the test states that I’m authoritarian as a mother. I have thick boundaries which makes a person likely to be organized. I am open to new experiences and agreeable to people who can show loyalty as my friend. Currently, I need to work on my communication skills and
Concept 2 - Parenting Styles There's three parenting styles there's authoritarian, authoritative, and permissive. An authoritarian parent is someone who is strict, imposing many rules and not nurturing. An authoritative parent is someone who is allowing discussion with the kids, placing limits and nurturing. An permissive parent is someone who is inconsistent with few rules and very loving. For me, my mothers parenting style is authoritative, she can be strict, being not too
During the last couple of years, Chicago Public Schools (CPS) have gone through many difficulties; ranging from teacher strikes to low funding, which has tremendously taken a toll on the students attending these schools. The Illinois Policy Institute, which writes to inform the public of issues affecting Illinois states, “Seventy-five percent of students at the lowest-performing elementary schools failed to meet standards on state exams. More than 20 percent of these students scored in the lowest category in reading, meaning they have a difficult time determining the main idea of a persuasive essay or the plot of a short story…Students at Chicago’s lowest-performing high schools drop out at nearly 12 times the rate of average Illinois
I chose this team and this topic because I am a nurse who recently started working in a CCU. We take care of cardiac patients, and we have to closely monitor their heart rhythms. So, I would like to learn to better identify dysrhythmias, to improve competency assessments, and to better implement current evidence-based practices.
In reviewing this learners track 1 residency action plan, goals for skill development that were discussed at the end of track 1 included practicing and using observation, open-ended questions, and silence. This learner practiced these skills among other skills between track 1 and track 2 by using them at work and with family members. These skills were also used in everyday conversations as well as in role-plays with family members. In addition, a professional development goals was to join the American School Counselor Association. This goal was completed and opportunities for professional development continues through the use of their website and magazine. In the area of personal development the goal was to take more personal time and spend more time with family. This goal was also accomplished through prioritizing and scheduling.
QP provided the purpose of this session which was to complete “Contract for Change” from Lesson 7 in SFP.
Using the Criterion-Referenced Competency Test (CRCT) to measure Georgia public schools’ Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) put pressure on the Atlanta Public Schools and fostered Beverly Hall to use dishonorable tactics to meet the goals of President George W. Bush’s No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), which required states to conduct annual assessments of student academic achievement to determine financial rewards or penalties for schools and teachers. This act failed to recognize the underlying problems in low-performing public schools, often problems that money could not fix, and had unintended negative consequences such as the “Atlanta cheating scandal.”
Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) (2015) states that all nurses should be competent at carrying out an accurate assessment on patients of all ages safely using invasive and non-invasive procedures. Benner (1982) formed the stages of competency: Novice; this is where I started in year one, I had never done a manual blood pressure before and lacked confidence. Advanced beginner; this is where I feel I am at present, I can take a manual blood pressure with occasional supportive cues, I am more confident than the first time and my knowledge is improving. Competent; this is the stage I expect to be at when I qualify, I would like to feel confident and I intend to know exactly what I am doing and why. Proficient; this is where I expect to be
With the rise of colonial expansion and imperialism, Europeans were inspired by their encounters with both culturally and physically different people to categorize them; thus leading to the creation of race. While the construction of race started off as harmless, it has been used to in the defense of cultural erasure and the oppression of Non-White racial groups. Today, the aftereffects of colonialism, slavery, and imperialism are still felt with increasing racial tension, the perpetuation of racial stereotypes, and the existence of Eurocentric beauty standards: a concept where people with commonly white features (thin lips, narrow nose, light hair, etc.) are exalted and those who do not adhere to these beauty standards are marginalized. Although
“It’s real food,” Jeremy Enfinger, Executive Chef at Livingston’s The County Seat restaurant says with zeal in speaking about his current creation as the brains behind the community of Livingston’s new restaurant.
Furthermore, I related to chapter 14 the most which are about personality. Personality is defined as the set of habitual behaviors, cognitions and emotional patterns that evolve from biological and environmental factors. For my personality test, I think I am ESFG which is caregiver which means Warm-hearted, popular, and conscientious. Tend to put the needs of others over their own needs. Feel a strong sense of responsibility and duty.
According to Arnett’s book on human development, the four basic types of parenting styles that exist are categorized as neglectful, permissive, authoritative, and authoritarian. Ideally, according to Arnett’s findings, most parents should aim to be authoritative parents, meaning they should aim to posses essential qualities in order to ensure successful communication with their child. Authoritative parents are described as flexible with their children, supportive, and democratic. However, they should also be assertive, set boundaries, and have high standards for their children as well. Even though being an authoritative parent best possible way to raise a child, according to Arnett’s articles, many parents are still permissive and
“Social workers continually strive to increase their professional knowledge and skills and to apply them in practice (NASW, 2015).” As stated above the facilitators should research self-harm as a coping mechanism, a search for such a situation in a group setting could not be found, but I have found peer reviewed articles regarding the issue. It appears that there are varying degrees of seriousness, but “there is a stigma, myths and lack of understanding that foster burgeoning resentment among others can perpetuate the cycle of shame and guild among people that self-harm, which subsequently increases their dependence on the behavior (Long, 2013, p. 106).” The IASWG standards sections II competency-based assessment includes, emphasis on members strengths and concerns, empowerment, empowerment, and the type of group influences what worker does and how the group accomplishes its goals (IASWG International Association for Social Work with Groups, Inc. , 2015).” I do believe that the group being made up of social work students could possibly impact how the members and the facilitators handle the critical incident. I believe that the group as a whole as well as F4 will be empowered by addressing the thoughts of self-harm.
In reviewing the information that was given while trying to determine whether or not AB is competent to stand trial the best option at this point is to conduct a competency test, being in Virginia the test that would be administered as per the Dusky v. United States (1960) ruling that established the basic test to see whether a person is sufficiently able to consult with his lawyer and have a rational degree of understanding to comprehend the charges that are being brought against him. AB has seemed rather compliant while he has been in jail, the correctional officers seem to not have many problems with him though they do seem to be concerned with the fact that he has been talking to himself late at night. This combined with his rather lengthy
Competency based assessments ensures that organizations are aware of what their developmental needs are. Competency based assessments will also benefit the employees by providing them with a better understanding of what their role requires and where their interests lies.
I have several notable accomplishments in my profession. Probably my most distinguished achievement was in the area of quality improvement.