
Comparing Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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Lennie is the complete opposite character than George. George is a very small character while Lennie is very large. Lennie is big but he is not very smart, he has the mind of a small child. Lennie is mentally disabled so he has to rely on George for most of everything. George is like a parent to Lennie. Lennie respects and admires George in everything that he does. They are complete opposite characters, because George is smart but a very little person while Lennie is dumb but is very large and strong. Lennie is so strong that he does not even know his own strength. He does not realize that when he touches and feels of peoples clothing and animals that he is actually harming them. Lennie has a fetish with touching soft things like hair, clothing, and soft animals. This, in multiple times in the book gets them into more trouble than they are able to handle. Like in the beginning of the book when George and Lennie were in town and Lennie grabbed a woman’s dress to feel of it but the woman saw it as he was attacking her so she claimed that he sexually harassed her (Steinbeck 4). He also in the beginning of the book Lennie had picked up a mouse to pet it and had killed it before he even knew it and claimed to George that he had found it …show more content…

Lennie has a dream to “tend the rabbits” (Steinbeck 8). Lennie is smart in some ways though. He is smart with what he does when George gets mad at him. Lennie would always ask when George got mad at him if he needed to go away and leave George alone. When he would do that George would start thinking about how he treated him and apologize to him because he would feel bad for what he had done. Lennie like a small child needed a reward system. So if he knew he was good and acted right Gorge would still let him tend to the rabbits. Lennie knew that if he made George mad that he might not let him tend the

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