
Comparing A Good Man And Still I Rise

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Stand up when you get knocked down. Become the best person you can be. A poem known as, Still I Rise, and a book titled, A Good Man, are two works of literature that inspire people. However, they deliver this inspiration through different ways. A Good Man by Mark Shriver describes the life of Mark Shriver’s father, or Sarge. While on the other hand, Still I Rise by Maya Angelou inspires people by giving them strength and letting them know that anything is possible if you fight for it. These two works of literature also have roots of Marywood’s core values in them. Empowerment and respect are these two core values. First, in A Good Man, empowerment is represented throughout the book. Shriver’s father established the Peace Corps, and doing this …show more content…

This poem states, “You may trod me in the very dirt, but still, like dust, I rise.” This quote resembles empowerment because it makes people feel very powerful, and it lets people know that even if you are at your worst that you will find some way to rise to the top. This is similar to the book, A Good Man, because Sarge and his wife were two very powerful people. They did great things and it makes others want to be with them at the top. In addition, the ending to the poem reiterates, “Still I rise” three times in a row. Maya Angelou may have done this to empower the audience and to let them know that you may have to rise more than once in life. This poem and A Good Man both empowered me and made me feel like there is more to come in …show more content…

However, in A Good Man it involves respectfulness for others, and in Still I Rise, it portrays more self-respect. In A Good Man, Sarge shows respect for many of the people around him. He shows respect for his wife being a powerful figure in the movement of the Special Olympics, and this is important because in that age woman were not supposed to have much power. Sarge was also a respectful father figure to Mark and his siblings. In addition, another character in the book named Rags showed the deepest amount of respect for others. Rags was Sarge’s right hand man. He did everything for him because he cared for him, not for his money. In contrast, the poem, I Still Rise, gives many motivations for one to respect themselves. In the poem, it gives components that will beat you down in life, but the lesson of the poem is to always rise up from them. Things may be hard and may not go the way you want them to go, but you need respect for yourself so you can stand up and keep moving forward. The best stanza that represents this message is when it states, “You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, ill

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