
Maya Angelou And Langston Hughes

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Poetry is an expressive form of art that illuminates a poet’s truth and inspires its readers to embrace or change their reality. Many poets, like Maya Angelou and Langston Hughes for example, create works that embody this definition of poetry and force their readers to reflect on themselves and society around them. Though both Angelou and Hughes were prominent during different decades, they experienced similar truths. The poems, “Still I Rise” by Angelou and “I, Too, Sing America” by Hughes, expose the nature of the authors’ lived experiences and speak directly to the Black community living in the United States. Hughes uses imagery and metaphors to illustrate the pain and plight of Black people in the United States while Angelou uses imagery …show more content…

The powerful message of the depiction and strength of the characters—men or women, young or old, rich or poor—tell the story of their strength and will to stand up against their oppressors and achieve success. Success is this sense, is not necessarily measured by economic or monetary goals, rather it is determined by if they fight against and prevail over the meaningless future that white America has predestined for them. Angelou creates a tone of resilience when the character the poem tells her oppressors, “You may shoot me with your words/ You may cut me with your eyes/ You may kill me with you hatefulness/ But still, like air, I’ll rise” (“Rise” 20-25). Hughes creates the same tone when the man in his poem is not discouraged by the manner in which he is treated by his “family”. He uses their hatred as motivation to grow stronger. He vows to “be at the table/ When company comes” and be so great that no one can dare to say “Eat in the kitchen” again (“America” 10-13). These are the attitudes of people that are invincible. Though the respective speakers of these poems seem to be one individual per poem, Angelou and Hughes may have used them as figureheads for the Black community in America. This style of writing helps propel the resilient tone further because it enables the entire Black community to be empowered and to know that if they continue to persevere and rise above their adversities, they can one day reclaim their seats at the

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