
Comorbidity Essay

Decent Essays

Understanding their relationship and impact the two disorders have on one another is important for a variety of reasons. Comorbidity is said to be the “rule rather than the exception”, meaning that the disorders co-occur more frequently than by chance so it is best to consider this co-occurrence as the norm rather than a coincidence (Hall et al., 2009). Taking into consideration that different disorders naturally occur together is important when studying individuals who present the symptoms of more than one disorder. Understanding this comorbidity can also provide useful information for treatment, since comorbid disorders are often not diagnosed because the presence of more than one disorder, especially concurrently, may be missed by clinicians. Additionally, …show more content…

As an example, individuals suffering from an anxiety disorder may start using a substance (eg. alcohol or drugs) in an effort to decrease their distress. These substances produce positive, rewarding short-term effects to the individual (Stewart & Conrod, 2008). However, this has negative long-term effects and can result in alcohol dependence. Hall and colleagues (2009) found that people with comorbid generalized anxiety disorder and substance use disorder had higher rates of alcohol and drug use in order to relieve symptoms of their anxiety, compared to those with only generalized anxiety disorder. In further support of this pathway, research has shown that 75% of the time an anxiety disorder is present in an individual before a substance use disorder develops (Smith & Book, 2008). However, Kushner, Krueger, Frye, and Peterson (2008) note that this does not demonstrate the anxiety disorder caused the comorbid substance use disorder in these 75% of cases, nor that the substance use disorder caused the anxiety disorder in the remaining 25%; it is merely a

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