
Health Care Analysis Essay

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Health care reform has been a big topic since the Clinton administration when First Lady, Hillary Rodham Clinton, took it under her belt to devise a new system. Health care is the provision taken to preserve mental and physical health using prevention and treatment. Compared to other health care systems in the world, the United States is ranked 37th in terms of care, claims Michael Moore (2007). Ironically, our health care system spends more than any other nation on its patients, averaging nearly $8,000 per person (DiNitto, 2012). With soaring costs, it is no surprise that one in every seven Americans are uninsured (Kaiser, 2011). Even with these sorry figures, statistics show that 85% of Americans are satisfied with their health care …show more content…

Rather, our mentality reasons, “I paid for my child’s dentist visit, why can’t this child’s parents do the same?” How must we protect our values without losing our culture? The preexisting satisfaction our nation currently has, allows our patient-focused health care system to prevail. Yet because of the trifling, non-satisfied citizens, the system must be adjusted. Using our current system, we must expand coverage by cutting expenses and seeking justice. We need to implement new laws that reform Medicaid, protect clients, and monitor prices. Expanding coverage will cost money simply because health care expenses are high. Health care costs are high for multiple reasons. Inefficiency is happening because doctors lack resources that inform them about their patients’ past tests and prescriptions. This costs time and money. According to Furchtgott-Roth (2009), former chief economist at the U.S. Department of Labor, ten cents of every dollar paid to the doctor goes to his or her malpractice insurance. These rates are so high because there is no cap on the amount of money a doctor can be sued. Doctors even fear being sued for doing “too little” in the patients’ eyes. Because of this, doctors end up running unnecessary tests and prescribing unneeded drugs. Medical News Today acerbates that health care is so expensive because we spend $147 billion per year on problems that

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