
Combating Rampant Corruption Of Italy

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The Law
In November 2012, the Italian Chamber of Deputies passed Anti-Corruption Law 190 for the purpose of combatting rampant corruption in Italy. The law established the Commissione Nazionale per la Valutazione, la Trasparenza e l’Integrità delle Amministrazioni Pubbliche as the anti-corruption authority in Italy. The law and authority go hand in hand.
This national anticorruption authority (CIVIT) was tasked with implementing and overseeing standards on public officials to prevent corruption. The authority was also constructed to ensure that public officials would comply with all initiatives and guidelines set by the authority. It was also to determine the causes of public sector corruption and the necessary steps to fix consistent problems. It also needed to cooperate with international anti-corruption bodies and report to parliament on the effectiveness of its initiatives. It is held accountable for progress made in the fight in Italy’s public sector corruption.
All public administrations are required to create an anti-corruption plan and adopt a code of conduct for employees to prevent corruption. A compliance officer is then placed to ensure that all guidelines are followed and that the created plan was implemented. The officer also makes sure the plan complied with the authority. If the plan was not respected by employees, it would lead to sanctions and further disciplinary actions.
New Penalties Under 190
Bribery became an offence

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