
College Essay On Dyslexia

Decent Essays

My dyslexia has been a struggle and a gift. At an early, I had difficulty in school. When it came to writing & reading, I struggled. I could tell that I was different from the other kids. Everything that seemed to come easy for them was hard for me. My mother caught onto my struggle immediately when she saw my frustration with school work. She set up a meeting with the school guidance counselor and asked to have me tested for a reading disorder. By the end of all the reading and writing tests, I was diagnosed with Dyslexia. Dyslexia is a disability that affects the processing of information visually, auditorily, and in some cases, tactile learning. What this means for me is that I see letters and numbers differently, and the way I process information …show more content…

It felt like I had to start from the very beginning again, new kids, new classes, and new teachers. I quickly discovered that this is NOT where I wanted to be. I wanted out. I was bullied by other kids, because of my Special Ed placement, and some of my friends no longer wanted to be friends with me anymore. I was coming from classes where kids wanted to learn, to Special Educations classes where the kids just didn't seem to care. My mother and I talked, and I told her that I wanted to be at the top of my class, not the bottom. I didn't want to be in those Special Ed classes. She encouraged me to work hard, and she would help me. We started reading every night before bed, playing spelling games and word games all the time. By the end of fifth grade, my hard work had begun to pay off, I was reading and writing on a twelfth-grade level. My teachers recognized my hard work and the following year I moved up to Advanced English. I still had the IEP and a teaching assistant that came to class with me, but I was getting closer to my goals. I kept working harder, I didn't back off, and the outcome was terrific! At the beginning of seventh grade, I said goodbye to my IEP and all of my Special Education

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