
Research Paper On Climate Change

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Climate Change “We are living on this planet as if we have another one to go to.” (Unknown) This quote by an unknown source depicts the common mindset of the modern human. At the start of the 20th century America had had numerous major advancements in technology and business. These advancements helped to put America ahead, but at a cost. Emissions of Carbon Dioxide, other greenhouse gases and aerosols have been steadily increasing since this time period and show no signs of stopping soon (How Do We Know..). What is the reason for this? Could it be that people do not know what they are doing? Maybe people just do not care? Many persons in America will deny the changing climate because they claim there are no facts or they do not believe in the facts that scientists have come to find. The advancement of climate change through production of Carbon Dioxide, greenhouse gases and overuse of aerosol products can be blamed on mankind’s waste and disregard. Carbon Dioxide, also referred to as Co2, is one of the adverse chemicals that has been contributing to climate change for decades. The careless attitude and dangerous professions of humans are, almost collectively, directly responsible for the ever - rising Carbon Dioxide concentration in our air. By reason of the industrial revolution jobs such as; aluminum production, farming with large equipment, working with leather, mining, welding, and sewer/ waste treatment (Tox Town). Most of the more industrial jobs require use of large

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