
Central Themes In Sharon Creech's In Walk Two Moon

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In Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech Gramps and Sal wanted to do something fun, but gramps was bringing Sal to a friend's house. So he took her 300 miles to get where they were going. Gramps is trying to make Sal happy by bringing her to her friend's house, so she isn't staying home and doing nothing. Sal really likes where she is living, " I have lived most of my thirteen years in Bybank's, Kentucky…". They have been living in this house for a very long time and they haven't been looking for any other house. The central theme in the book us that is that if you find something you really like keep t. The central theme in the book is that if you find something you really like keep it. In the quote, Sal and Gramps choose the right house since

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