
Cellular Cell Case Study

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Tx Location Height (m) Outage (%) for < 400 m
0% < 200 m 52.8% < 400 m
27.3 < 200 m
TX2 WRW 18 39.6% < 200 m 52.8% < 400 m
10% < 200 m
Table 2.15. Outage probability for 38 GHz at Austin within 400 m [29]

Research data shows that if the path loss is less than 160dB, the outage probability for both 36 m height transmitter and 18 m height transmitter is 0% within 200m. This outage study also indicates that within 200 m from the transmitter, a lower transmitter experienced fewer outages since it is able to use more reflectors in the environment to cover all locations. However, a higher transmitter can get smaller outage probability because of the diffraction of signals around lower buildings if the distance is over 200 m [32]. This work …show more content…

It costs less, but more flexible and can create efficient large coverage areas easily. In addition, it can reach a larger capacity and higher gain. By using the millimeter wave bands at E band and 60 GHz, the wireless backhaul system could provide a much higher transmit data rates between the gateway and small cell base stations.
Utilizing the backhaul system for millimeter wave, there are mainly two types of topology design [34]. First one is called single gateway node model which is shown as Figure 2.9. In this scenario, the small base stations not only handle their own traffic, but also accumulate traffic for the other small base stations further along the branches of the tree. For more efficiency, point to point links that are closer to the gateway node require higher capacity. The frequency bands used in each connection must be considered carefully in order to meet the capacity requirement and also minimize the interference [35].

Figure 2.9 Single Gateway Node backhaul Model

The second system design is multiple gateway nodes model. Different from single gateway, there are some small base stations are connected to multiple gateway nodes and leading to a multi-root tree topology [34]. Sometimes small base stations can even become a gateway node for each other. Comparing to a single gateway node, multiple gateway nodes usually can improve the overall throughput. However, it is much more complex than the single gateway node because

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