1. Cell Theory is an explanation that says everything is made of cells. It continues on to say that those cells came from preexisting cells. Cell Theory is a theory because it is a frame-worked explanation of an observation made by many biologists like Anar Van Leeuwenhoek. Van Leeuwenoek studied plant stems, pond water, and gathered a conclusion that generally, all of those things are made of cells. Other biologists like Louis Pasteur added onto this idea that all organisms are composed of cells. A theory is also composed of two components; a sequence of patterns in the world and the thing or catalyst that is responsible for the pattern. The sequence of the pattern in Cell theory is that every organism in the world are made up of cells. …show more content…
The fatal flaw in my experiment of cloning a single plant, creating a population of 100 plants that are genetically identical, and raising these plants in identical environments with no variation in traits is that there is no variation to show any difference(s) in the experiment.
3. A salt crystal dropped into a beaker of water becomes smaller and eventually seems to disappear. However, the same salt crystal remains intact at the bottom of a beaker of octane because Sodium Chloride is ionic and would get attracted to the water. The octane is hydrophobic and has nothing for the salt crystal to bond with. The water is polar and hydrophobic, which gives the salt the ability for the oxygen atoms in the water to be attracted to the Sodium ion, and the hydrogen atoms to the chloride ion.
4. Molecules with carbon-carbon bonds have more potential energy and lower entropy than carbon dioxide because the carbon to carbon bonds are held together loosely. Because the carbon to carbon bonds are held loosely together, the bond has low entropy, high potential energy, and more usable energy. The Carbon dioxide is held tightly together, has high entropy, and will have low potential energy because the charges will be attracted to the oxygen. This results in the carbon dioxide to have less usable
Cell Theory: Cell theory: refers to the idea that cells are the basic unit of structure in every living thing. It states that: ● New cells are formed from other existing cells, ● the cell is a fundamental unit of structure, ● function and organization in all living organisms.
The blood cell is made in the bone marrow of a bone and then enters a vein and goes toward to superior vena cava. The blood cell joins millions of other blood cells as well as white blood cells and platelets inside of plasma.
3. Explain your prediction for the effect Na+ Cl- might have on glucose transport. In other words, explain why you picked the choice that you did. How well did the results compare with your prediction?
You may use the lab manual, pre-lab lectures, and credible internet resources, however you may not use your cell bio lab classmates as a resource. You will most likely see this material again on the Final and I highly encourage you to work individually and seek help from myself or your TA. Plagiarism will result in an automatic zero.
Q1. In 1944, at the beginning of his book What is Life, the great physicist Erwin Schrodinger asked the following question: “How can the events in time and space which take place within the spatial boundary of a living organism be accounted for by physics and chemistry?" What would be your answer today?
3. Water is a precious natural resource in Florida and it is said that supplies are dwindling. Desalinization (removing salt from) ocean water has been recommended as a solution to the problem. Why shouldn’t we drink salt water? Explain.
Attractions between water and other molecules, which is adhesion, is also possible because of the polarity as well. In relation to hydrogen bonds, water’s high specific heat is changed when hydrogen bonds are made or broken. When a hydrogen bond breaks, heat is absorbed whereas when a hydrogen bond forms, heat is released. In addition to HSH, ice is able to float in liquid water because hydrogen bonds in ice is more structured than in water, making the ice less dense. Also, water is a versatile solvent because of its polarity, which helps it form hydrogen bonds (mentioned above). The structure of water molecules also affects the dissociation of water, where H2O breaks into H+ and OH- due to the polarity of the
P1: Outline the function of the main cells of the body. Cells are the main structure of the body as they all come together to form one cell. They are very important because without them, we wouldn’t be able to live. The cells carry out numerous of chemical reaction that we wouldn’t have heard of or even felt and it is simply done it on its own. Cells make up all the organs in the body.
P1 – Describe the microstructure of a typical animal cell and the functions of the main cell components. A typical animal cell is seen as a tiny, three dimensional sac which is in fact made up of many components, each as important as the other. The microstructure of an animal cell was in fact uncovered mainly through the use of both cell fractionation and electron microscopy. Each main component has its own, individual function which helps a cell to function and maintains the cell membrane. The components that I will be describing include the cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm, mitochondria, lysosomes, Golgi bodies, centrioles, endoplasmic reticulum (both smooth and rough) and ribosomes.
About Cells Cell, smallest unit of an organism that can function independently. All living organisms are made of cells, and it is generally held that nothing less than a cell can truly be said to be alive. Some microscopic organisms, such as bacteria and protozoa, are single cells whereas animals and plants are composed of many millions of cells assembled into tissues and organs. Although viruses and cell-free extracts are able to perform many individual functions of a living cell, they lack the capacity shown by cells of independent survival, growth, and replication and are therefore not considered
Name ____________________________ I) Introduction All cells contain four major types of macromolecules: carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins. In today’s lab, we will be studying three of the four-proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. Various chemical tests can be used to detect the presence of each of these molecules. Most of the tests involve a color change visible to the eye. If a color change is observed, the test is considered positive. If the color change is not observed, the test is negative, indicating that a particular molecule is not present. In all the chemical tests we will be performing, we will also be using a control. In most cases, the control will be a sample of
Intermolecular forces hold molecules together when they are in solid or liquid state. However, water has the ability to dissociate many salts and ionic compounds. This is called dissolving. When NaCl is added to water, it dissociates into the ions; Na+ and Cl- . The positive sodium ions are surrounded by the slightly negatively charged part of water molecules (i.e. oxygen) in the water molecules and the negative chlorine ions are surrounded by the slightly positively charged part of water molecules (i.e. the hydrogen). The kinetic energy of the sodium chloride molecules increase with temperature. This destabilizes the solid state that it is currently in. This increased motion means that the molecules are less able to hold together and as such they dissolve at faster rates and larger amounts.
The cell is the smallest unit able to sustain life, and they are often referred to as the building blocks of life. There are two primary types of cell, which are categorized according to the way their genetic material is packaged, rather than size or shape. These are:
According to Haralambos and Holborn (2008), a theory is a set of ideas which attempts to explain how something works.
However, one of the major problems of many tissue cultured plants is somaclonal variation. It is the variation originating in cell and tissue cultures (Larkin and Scowcroft, 1981). The growth of plant cells in vitro and their regeneration into whole plants is an asexual process which involves only mitotic division of the cell. Therefore, theoretically, it should not cause any variation. Ideally, it is expected to get clonal multiplication of genetically uniform plants. However, due to somaclonal variation, uncontrolled and random spontaneous variation occurs during the culture process. On the other hand, somaclonal variation also has its advantages. It is useful in crop improvement through creation of novel variants. Induced somaclonal variation is used for genetic manipulation of crops with polygenic traits (Jain, 2001). It can also be a vital tool for plant breeding via generation of new varieties. This could exhibit disease resistance, improvement in quality and give a better yield of the plants. Somaclonal variants may vary from the source plant permanently or temporarily. Temporary changes result from epigenetic or physiological effects and are non-heritable and reversible but, permanent variants are heritable and often represent an expression of pre-existing variation in the source plant or are due to the de novo