
Career Assessment Inventory Test

Decent Essays

Provide a brief interpretation of the accompanying Career Assessment Inventory (CAI) test protocol. In your interpretation, be sure to include any relevant scores from the protocol. The Career Assessment Inventory is a test instrument developed by Pearson to evaluate occupational interest (Talent, 2017). It can be taken with paper and pencil, computer or by Internet platform (Talent, 2017). It looks at basic themes of interest. These general themes are: realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising and conventional (Talent, 2017). Those individuals scoring high on a particular them have a higher interest in that theme. The realistic theme is associated with individuals that enjoy working in areas of repair or building things. The investigative category is related to those individuals that enjoy finding solutions to problems, such as those associated with science. The artistic category is related to those who like to express themselves in artistic endeavors. Social category is related to those individuals who …show more content…

These scales are more in-depth and multifaceted. They break down the interest that people have that are working within the occupation. These scales measure the individual’s similarities to those working in the occupation. The overall scores indicated that this person would may have an interest most all the occupations within this theme, with the highest scores in plumbing and pipefitting, closely followed by auto-mechanic and sheet metal worker. The scores indicate that most of these occupations would be of interest; even the lowest in this theme of forest ranger is still in the above average range. The occupational portion of the test showed the least overall similarities in conventional themes. These scores correlate with the theme scores, although the scores show some discrepancies, on closer evaluation you can see a common theme of realistic even within other

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