
CASA Argument Essay

Decent Essays

I've always wanted to help in the community, looking for things I could do to on my own to serve but could not find the right niche or good fit. That was until now in English Composition 2 when Professor Alissa Nephew said that she was offer extra credit for doing a service learning community program. When I looked CASA, called and seen that I had the opportunity to I could get involved regularly and long term past my service learning, this was the perfect volunteer project for me. The more I read about the organization and its goals, the eager I became to join. Just like everything else, when you first for the start time I had what I was even getting myself into. I had only one idea of what it meant and that was finding placement for kids; sounds easy. Boy was I wrong, today, I would have to say CASA means that I've been entrusted with the importance and understandingly to advocate for some of the people in my community who need me most. What is CASA of Oklahoma; CASA stands for Court Appointed Special Advocates and it is a nonprofit organization. There main duty is to recruit and train volunteers to serve as advocates for abused and neglected children. …show more content…

Since volunteering I have meet some admirable, nurturing, and complexed group of people who have devoted their careers to helping families in crucial situations. These group of inspiring people have influenced me in so many ways- especially everyone at the Juvenile Detention Center. When I look around in a room at a meeting for a case, I am absolutely amazed by the number of people that really want to actually help these children get back home or find a safe place to live and improve every aspect of that child’s family life. And we did even know these people but we are all here for the same coming good no one is against

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