
Broomball Research Paper

Decent Essays

Broomball: The Future Is Bright

Broomball is a very fun and expanding sport making its come-up into the United States and all over the world today. Broomball originated from a medieval, brutal and deadly Viking game called Knattleikr. Knattleikr was a very time demanding game back when Vikings had a big control of sea and coastal world. This game during this time would last from morning until daylight, averaging gameplay of about 10-12 hours. The game was highly respected and a spectator sport, it would draw major crowds of thousands from countries and towns all over to come and witness the violent gameplay. Games involved a hard ball and a stick, but when started they could also smack the ball with their hands. Body contact and crashing into each other was a major part of the game, giving the strongest man the better chance to come …show more content…

Intimidation was also very vital in the playing of the sport, with several word wars and fights until death taking place in every long game. Knattleikr was also played with a simple stick and a hard circular ball as I stated, just as present day broomball is, showing us a very close resemblance to the each of the games involving and coming together as basically the same over time. Broomball is believed to have developed and brought back to populism in Canada around the beginning of the nineteenth century; however, in the United States broomball is believed to have been originated in Duluth, Minnesota starting around the year of 1910. The game when first played was not actually organized, just comprehended and interpreted from other places and brought into the country. It was not until about 1960 that the sport actually became organized and played in

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