
Brief Summary Of The Book Stiff By Mary Roach

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Madalyn Lisman Reference Roach, M, Stiff, London, 2003. Summary In the book, Stiff, by Mary Roach I have discovered a lot. This book is all about the sciences and studies of cadavers or dead bodies. I have discovered a lot from this book. In the next few paragraphs I will explain some of the main points I have learned. This book is all about cadavers and what happens with them. A large portion of the book talks about the process of how and why bodies are donated to science. Before people die they can say they want to be donated or even after they die there loved ones can donate their bodies. Sometimes bodies are even given to the facilities by their families. This happens often when families can't afford to embalm them and by donating the body they get this for free. A big struggle labs have with the donations is when the families find out what actually could happen to the body. For example some bodies are used in things like crash and impact tests. Researchers will put a body in a car and harness it in the proper position then crash the car. This can show scientists what happen to the body. On page 88 it says, “The rib cage can compress 2 1/2 inches on a real body without …show more content…

The cadavers are used by many students in the early learning stages. If there is a student studying cosmetic surgeries they may go here to practice. Bodies are pretty scarce so when it's possible facilities only take one part of the body. For most cosmetic surgeries performed at this lab only the head if needed. So heads are cut off by a professional and then they are set in bowls. Removing the head also keeps the strong odors down. On page 27 it explains how a woman came to this facility to practice before performing the actual surgery on her friend. It states, “One woman even came for practice. She had never performed a cosmetic surgery before, so she came here to practice before performing this on her

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