
Satire Essay On Tobacco Companies

Decent Essays

All over the country are kids sitting in the backseat of their parent’s car with smoke blowing in their faces and kids sitting in the living room with their parents standing at the door smoking. The smoke hits you with a burning fire in your nose as it makes its way into your lungs, like a viper pouncing on a mouse. The smoke im talking about is second hand smoke from cigarettes. But don’t get me wrong the world needs them. What would big tobacco companies do without them!
The only issue is that these tobacco companies are not giving back to the government, I don’t mean by just paying taxes. With all the customers they attract, we could use them to give back to their communities! But not the ideas that you would expect. My ideas are a sure way to make the most of the money they spend on tobacco and make the most use of them and remove them from society. Once we complete this, they no longer cause cancer from their smoke, free air of their pollution and stop causing addictions to other things such as alcohol or drugs.
Firstly, we should make a way so they are no longer apart of society but still with their families. I propose we have air tight bubbles for them to live in. once trapped in these bubbles, they will eventually suffocate and die. …show more content…

We cut a hole in their necks and just insert a wooden piece in their windpipe to cut off any air to their lungs. After they eventually die, we take their lungs for testing. Not like the ones for makeup, they are not animals. But for the tar to test for roofing tar and how the tar will work for roads. This is an innovative way to use the people that will already be dead so we don’t have to kill any for testing, because they’ll already be dead! But they won’t just be a use for testing the tar, we can also just set the lungs aside and use for cancer research. Just not all of the lungs, maybe only two out of every hundred. Otherwise it’s a great source of

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