
Chapter Summary Of Stiff: The Curious Lives Of Human Cadavers

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In chapter one of, Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers, Mary Roach talks about using corpses (cadavers) to demonstrate medical procedures. Mary Roach, joins a facial anatomy and face lift review class during the beginning of her book, where she watched physicians practice on lifeless bodies with no heads. Roach gathered an understanding that detached heads can be extremely intimidating, even for trained professionals. Mary Roach asks one of the physicians, Theresa, how she handles working with these detached heads on a daily basis. Theresa explained that she always imagined the heads to be made of wax when she worked with them. Later the chapter one, Mary Roach clarifies that “objectification is the coping mechanism.” (Roach, 2004. Page 56) The coping mechanism permits specialists to divide “the object” which looks like a living human without having emotions attached. …show more content…

Mary Roach appears at a memorial service for the anonymous corpses of “UCSF Medical School class” of 2004. Though there was the typical funereal preparations, the mutilated bodies are noticeably gone. Even with the bodies absent the memorial service was still a somber occasion. Residents take turns reading and singing, Roach, is specifically affected by one student's genuine acknowledgement to a previous cadaver.
During chapter three, human decay, is the main topic. Mary Roach goes to visit the University of Tennessee Medical Center. This is the only field research, in America, that focus on the decay of human bodies. Academics leave bodies to deteriorate in natural surroundings and then screen their “stages of chemical composition.” This information contributes to criminal investigations by making systematic standards to determine the time of death. Temperature, insect infestation, smell and other factors are monitored and

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