
Bowling For Columbine Gun Violence

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America experiences more mass shootings than any other country in the world. Mass shootings have prompted Americans into purchasing more firearms out of fear of outside treachery or violence that is frequently shown in the media. Violence in America, as well as a "need for protection" against violent entanglements, has increased throughout history, providing properties such as gun manufacturing companies with a higher level of attention and financial elevation. In Michael Moore's documentary, Bowling for Columbine; the film portrays a strong connection between violence and the media with the latter creating a culture of fear through fear mongering; spreading terror across the country and, in turn, inspiring desperate action against violence which could eventually lead to more trouble than progress. In the United States, citizens are maintaining the status quo due to the popularity of the American image, the overwhelming amount of gun enthusiasts, the lack of gun regulations, and the large amount of heavily …show more content…

America's attitude towards gun violence when comparing it with another country. During the segment of the film, Moore is seen visiting a neighborhood in Canada where the majority of households have their front doors unlocked and present less concern over crime and security compared to its neighboring country. Through history, some American people have taken advantage of owning a gun, which follows the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution that provides citizens with the right to bear arms. During time goes, guns ownership has been increasing because the fear being spread by the new media discussing terrorist hating America or hate crime increasing. The news media keep applying perpetuating fear, acculturating fear, and continues to influence violence in

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