
An Analysis of Michael Moore's Documentary, Bowling for Columbine

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Bowling for Columbine is a documentary about how guns are a bad influence and pollute the mind, rather than supplying safety, which is the real reason behind the possession of a gun being legalised. Michael Moore, the film maker, wrote and produced the film to emphasise his point on why guns should never be sold or purchased again. The main story Moore focused on was one that was absolutely shocking and could astonish you from start to finish: The Shooting at Columbine High School. The ordinary and average school was put through an attack by two absent minded children who destructively killed 1 teacher and 12 students, not including the many more they injured. Moore also tried interviewing people whose lives had been affected due to guns. …show more content…

Many of the area were stunned into silence but those who spoke out were the family who found it absolutely appalling for someone to have a gun at arms length at such a young age. These stories helped Moore to make his argument more effective because people who thought there was no harm in the possession of guns would rethink their conclusions due to the fact that many have been harmed if not killed by ages varying from 6-76!

Michael Moore went around the entire country interviewing people whose lives were severely affected by guns. Moore managed to interview 2 students who were at the shooting at Columbine and carry out drastic procedures, such as, purchasing all the ammunition from K-Mart just so they can stop selling them and interviewed them on how bad guns are. I believe Moore focused on the more interesting interviews which is why I feel that they are biased. Again, he had the choice to include interviews from both sides of the argument but chose to inform his audience of only the one side: his own. Due to the fact that he focused on negative comments towards the guns, there always the possibility that Moore edited sections of the interview that may have good sentences about guns. For example, someone could have said how guns can be misused and mistreated which is why we shouldn’t have one in every house, but may have also commented that a gun can symbolise

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