
Bouwsma Thick Illusions Essay

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Question 2:
Bouwsma describes two different kinds of illusions, one, he accepts as plausible while the other, he considers impossible. A thin illusion is something about the world that is different than what you think it is; however, it must be possible to detect the difference which means it must be possible for proof of a given proposition to be derived from an observation or experiment. It then follows that thin illusions need to be verifiable by the human senses, or, empirically verifiable. When Bouwsma refers to thick illusions, however, he is talking about artificial differences in the world that are undetectable by the human senses. Bouwsma thinks the concept of thin illusions has more merit than the concept of thick illusions.
Bouwsma …show more content…

That means the scope of Bouwsma’s claim about thick illusions applies to mirages. To clarify, in the real world, I think a mirage is a thin illusion. However, in a world fabricated by the evil genius and completely made up of a thick illusions, a mirage would not aid Tom in detecting that his world is not, in fact, real. In that sense, a mirage is undetectable, which means it is a thick illusion. Nothing about a mirage made by the evil genius is different than a mirage that appears in the real world. Therefore, it is a normal occurrence that could be extended to the evil genius’ world of thick illusions. I do not think including mirages in thick illusions would contradict Bouwsma’s claim.
Contrarily, I do not think Bouwsma’s claim would extend to holograms of flowers. From across the room, one might be convinced, but upon further inspection anyone would be able to to determine that they are not touching flowers. Therefore, not only is a hologram a thin illusion in the real world, but, it would also help Tom detect the evil genius’ artificial world. Additionally, a hologram would not effectively deceive anyone. Therefore, it follows that holograms are not included in the breadth of Bouwsma’s

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