
Examples Of Virtuality Within A Holographic Universe

Good Essays

Hyper- Realities- virtuality within a ‘Holographic Universe’

2. Introducing Jean Baudrillard and the concept of the Hyperreality.
3.The Conspiracy Theory: Simulated/ Holographic Universe
5. References

The aim of this essay is to bring together modern day thoughts and concepts on the ‘hyper- real’ and the ‘simulated’ (simulacra). How these terms and themes offer fuel and conjecture to certain conspiracy theories: concepts that bring focus, differing interpretations, and relevance into my art practice. It can be said that the definition of a conspiracy theory is common knowledge; however, for this essay, this is the definition in layman’s terms: “conspiracy theory refers to a narrative …show more content…

It debates the possibility that all we know, think and is outside of ourselves is simply a holographic simulation; which could be, through recent art debates, defined as ‘hyper-hyper reality’. One of many theories for example, regarding holographic imagery can be termed as ‘waveform information’. These are holographic images that look as ‘solid’ as our perceived 3D world, yet they are not solid objects and it is possible to walk through them. Even though this waveform is illusory, it passes through our five senses to become electrical, digital, and holographic information, which makes it seem real, though it does not exist outside of ourselves. This is the argument that conspiracy theories use to state the possibility our reality acts the same way and is also illusory. Holograms today are being used not only as still images but as moving pictures too; for example, Elvis Presley singing with Celine …show more content…

For example, one of the amazing characteristics of holograms is that every part of a hologram is a smaller version of the whole. Or put another way, if you cut a holographic waveform printed image into four pieces and point the laser at each one you will not see four quarter-segments of the holographic image. You will see four quarter sized versions of the whole hologram. Every part of a hologram is a smaller version of the whole.
So maybe our body is just a hologram therefore every part of the body is a smaller version of the whole. This explains why reflexology, acupuncture and other forms of alternative healing can find areas in different parts of the body, hand, ear, foot, or suchlike, that affect different organs and the processes of the whole body.
We are living in a giant hologram, and everything we see around us is merely a projection of a two-dimensional surface. This theory put forward in 1997 by physicist Juan Maldacena (Maldecena, 2011), who proved its existence in equations that only partially explained our

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