Hyper- Realities- virtuality within a ‘Holographic Universe’
2. Introducing Jean Baudrillard and the concept of the Hyperreality.
3.The Conspiracy Theory: Simulated/ Holographic Universe
5. References
The aim of this essay is to bring together modern day thoughts and concepts on the ‘hyper- real’ and the ‘simulated’ (simulacra). How these terms and themes offer fuel and conjecture to certain conspiracy theories: concepts that bring focus, differing interpretations, and relevance into my art practice. It can be said that the definition of a conspiracy theory is common knowledge; however, for this essay, this is the definition in layman’s terms: “conspiracy theory refers to a narrative
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It debates the possibility that all we know, think and is outside of ourselves is simply a holographic simulation; which could be, through recent art debates, defined as ‘hyper-hyper reality’. One of many theories for example, regarding holographic imagery can be termed as ‘waveform information’. These are holographic images that look as ‘solid’ as our perceived 3D world, yet they are not solid objects and it is possible to walk through them. Even though this waveform is illusory, it passes through our five senses to become electrical, digital, and holographic information, which makes it seem real, though it does not exist outside of ourselves. This is the argument that conspiracy theories use to state the possibility our reality acts the same way and is also illusory. Holograms today are being used not only as still images but as moving pictures too; for example, Elvis Presley singing with Celine …show more content…
For example, one of the amazing characteristics of holograms is that every part of a hologram is a smaller version of the whole. Or put another way, if you cut a holographic waveform printed image into four pieces and point the laser at each one you will not see four quarter-segments of the holographic image. You will see four quarter sized versions of the whole hologram. Every part of a hologram is a smaller version of the whole.
So maybe our body is just a hologram therefore every part of the body is a smaller version of the whole. This explains why reflexology, acupuncture and other forms of alternative healing can find areas in different parts of the body, hand, ear, foot, or suchlike, that affect different organs and the processes of the whole body.
We are living in a giant hologram, and everything we see around us is merely a projection of a two-dimensional surface. This theory put forward in 1997 by physicist Juan Maldacena (Maldecena, 2011), who proved its existence in equations that only partially explained our
Roughly 2,753 people were killed on September 11, 2001, by terrorists who overtook commercial airplanes (Jones). The cause of these thousands of deaths were a series of attacks in New York City by an Islamic terrorist group, Al-Qaeda. However, there are still many questions about what actually happened the morning of September 11, 2001. As there are many different conspiracy theories about what happened that day, 9/11 was an attack which began with Al- Qaeda hi-jacking airplanes, but ended with more questions than answers. Many questions still remain about the authenticity of cell phone calls from inside the planes, why air defense was told to “stand down,” and how three buildings imploded as the result of two buildings being struck by airplanes.
Texas Theater where Oswald was arrested says that Oswald was at the theater the exact moment Officer Tippit was killed. “The bullet shells from an automatic pistol found at the Tippit killing scene don't even fit Oswald’s only known handgun which was a revolver” (Groden 23). “The doctors who labored in a futile effort to save Kennedy’s life at the Parkland hospital all had stated that in contemporaneous interviews that the wound in his throat had been and entrance wound. Wade and the FBI had concluded that Oswald was directly behind the president and that he alone had fired a weapon in Dealey plaza.” (Lane 17). So if he was directly behind the president how could he create and exit wound in the front of John F. Kennedy’s throat. Also if the
2) What is the premise of the argument regarding Frank Capell and Jack Clemmons' conspiracy theory?
Maggie Koerth Baker’s piece titled Why rational people buy into conspiracy theories represents the reasons why rational people believe in conspiracy theories. Throughout the article Baker tries to explain the reasons behind the belief of conspiracy theories supported by research and evidence. This paper will review Baker’s article as well as her main arguments, will evaluate the quality of Baker’s writing and focus on any areas of weakness within the article.
In 1999, Larry and Andy Wachowski directed The Matrix, a movie featuring the future in which reality as perceived by most humans is actually a simulated reality or cyberspace called "the Matrix”. This fake reality was created by sentient machines to pacify and subdue the human population. To some, this movie represents just another brilliant Hollywood sci-fi action film, but for others, it challenges the understanding of perspective, reality and appearance ("The matrix 101," 2003). The Matrix heavily relies on the concepts of Irish Philosopher George Berkeley who believed reality, or reality as humans perceive it, is fundamentally mental and therefore immaterial which is known as Idealism.
In the world today there are events that happen and have stories untold. On the rise are many different twists that come about from events happening. “63 percent of registered American voters believe in at least one political conspiracy theory according to a recent poll conducted by Fairleigh Dickinson University” (“Theories Prosper”). There are many different conspiracy theories in the world today including, included in the top ten lists of conspiracy theories is the Sandy Hook elementary shooting, the Boston Marathon bombings, as well as the September 11th terrorist attacks. Ever wonder how a conspiracy theory comes alive and what is all needed to justify the meaning of a conspiracy theory?
Sometimes, it seems that the best representation of fiction is reality, not the other way
Brian Keeley’s short essay, “Of Conspiracy Theories” discusses conspiracy theories and their value in an epistemological context. Keeley defines a conspiracy theory as “a proposed explanation of some historical event (or events) in terms of the significant causal agency of a relatively small group of persons-the conspirators-acting in secret (Keeley 1999, pg. 116).” Keeley seeks to answer the question of why conspiracy theories are unwarranted. His interest in the warrant of conspiracy theories focuses on ¬the unfalsifiability of conspiracy theories and how conspiracy theories are founded upon an extraordinarily large amount of skepticism. In section III, Keely discusses what a conspiracy theory is, and contends that there is no grounds for
interpretations it is stated that what we view within our minds are just rifts between reality and
People come up with crazy ideas all the time, many of which are torn apart by scientific evidence. However, some ideas are crafted so precisely and detailed; they are accepted as fact by millions of people. These alternatives to accepted history are known as Conspiracy Theories, and the people who create them are of a special breed. It is difficult to imagine having the time and passion to craft an alternative reason behind many of the world’s events and tragedies, but these people are born to do so. There is a specific recipe for such a person, a carefully crafted powerful concoction that breeds the hatred for government and the quest for the “truth”. Such people have been around for thousands of years,
To most a fairy tale, to some an interesting topic of discussion, however, to a small population, 5 % to be exact, Government conspiracy does exist. How, you might ask, do I intend to prove that indeed government conspiracy is real? I do not intend to prove it. In fact I only intend to inform you of its ever growing ploy of world domination, capitalism and control and open your mind to the idea that government conspiracy is out there. Throughout history as it is known to repeat itself, I will show facts that support this “theory” and dismiss the legendary lies we have been taught to believe through a system known as memetics.
Perfectly sane minds possess the possibility of creating the most fascinating narratives. Conspiracies are a way to react to being powerless or uncertain. Economic recessions, terrorists’ attacks, and deaths of the young and famous happen and when they do people do not know what to think or believe. Their minds react in overdrive
* A virtual world that appears real to any observer, seen through an HMD and augmented through three-dimensional sound and tactile stimuli
J.Baudrillard(1988:98) said “as a sort of historical attraction to the second degree, a simulacrum to the second power.” The new wedding behaviours are deception and falsehood; the wedding photography companies build up a hyper reality land for the bride and groom to takes photos. There normally like a Destiny land or cinema studio, people can easy to cross around the world, they imitate Beijing the Forbidden City, Europe church, USA Main Street and something you can expects (picture 6-11). Because of the high emulation building complex, Human the examination will get weak. At the same time there is not original emulation, consequently human will forget how is the real Forbidden City look like, human impress is the emulation of Forbidden City, Reality will cover by Simulation. J.Baudrillard(1988:113) believe “The Disneyland imaginary is neither true nor false: it is a deterrence machine set up in order to rejuvenate in reverse the fiction of the real. Whence the debility, the infantile degeneration of this imaginary. It’s meant to be an infantile world, in order to make us believe that the adults are elsewhere, in the “real” world, and to conceal the fact…”
The apparent realism of the representation: The model always seemed to stand in perfect correspondence to the external world