
Biology: Concept Maps

Decent Essays

Biology is the study of living organisms and their behaviors, anatomy, and physiology. In addition, living organisms are characterized by their cellular structure, and their ability to grow, reproduce, evolve, metabolize, and maintain homeostasis. Each part of what makes an organism itself is intimately connected to each of its other features. Throughout my study of biology this semester, I learned about these relationships and decided they could be best represented through a concept map. To optimize clarity and demonstrate my understanding of the topics, I used a detailed system of colors, shapes, and connections to create the concept map. The colors used on the concept map each correspond to a specific unit or a group of units, and the tints and hues of that color show different parts of the same unit. The clearest example of how I used shades of the same color to show similarities is through the assignment of the colors blue and grey to units two and three respectively. Because unit two’s topic of biochemistry is so broad, including biomolecules, atoms, bonding, cellular …show more content…

This step is, perhaps, the most important in creating a concept map, because although the different colors show relationships between entire units, concept maps are based of the individual topics and examples they are made up of. To find the words to connect, I looked through my notebook unit by unit and over the Quizlet sets I made throughout the year to determine which key points are the most important. Once I had a rough vocabulary list in mind, I began to organize the words by unit first and then by examining how the concept fit into other units. For example, “ATP” fuels cell processes, including cell division and metabolism. So, when I first created a rounded rectangle for ATP, I had to consider what other concepts would be linked directly to it to decide where I should place

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