The Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning - 4 (DIAL-4) is an ability test that allows schools to be relatively sure that a student is capable of taking the next step from a preschool setting towards kindergarten. According to Gregory (2013), this test is designed for children 2 years 6 months old through 5 years 11 months old and has the ability to test the following five areas for difficulties: 1. Motor Development - This include testing children for being able to jump, hop, skip, writing, coloring, catching, and block building according to Gregory (2013). Many children are tested for motor development in such ways that they don't realize they are being tested because the activities are similar to and can be used like …show more content…
Concepts Development - "Pointing to named body parts, name or identifying colors, rote counting, counting blocks, positioning blocks, and sorting shapes" (Gregory, 2013, p.263). a. Many children learn these skills through songs as well as games that allow you to label colors to the sun, water, grass, tree trunk, tire, and various other everyday items that they will associate with a particular color b. Many kids learn through board games such as operation, and Sorry, and Candy Land as these are good at counting, colors, and having good motor skills so you don't set off the buzzer. 3. Language Development - At this age children should be able to give pertinent information such as name, age, sex, parent name (at least first) and be learning address and phone a. As our electronic world gets more advanced, I fear that our children will begin to develop certain language development issues such as spelling, and recall. I was volunteering in a kindergarten class at the beginning of the year and a student was very proud to announce that she knew her moms phone number. The class was impressed and the teacher told her to go ahead and tell everyone, unfortunately, she responded "2 and send". She only knew her mom's number was the speed dial 2 on her dad's cell phone. These are some developmental concerns I feel may start to rise as we begin to become more dependent on technology to do the
A child’s development can be measured through physical and language milestones, intellectual, emotional and social development.
*Intellectual development: he can now understand 3 part instructions, and organise objects by type, size, colour, or shape.
Understand the concept of “on” “in” and “under” e.g the chair is under the table
3-7 year olds are developing their speech and become much more social. They ask lots of questions helping their development even more, talking in past, present and future tenses. Most children will be in a school or nursery and developing their skills in numeracy and literacy. They will be learning to read and will call on adults to help and for approval and praise.
Language Development: Put words together in a sentence and beginning to ask questions (What? Why? How? Who? Where?) can join in well known songs or verses and put actions to words (Row-Row-Row the boat) Could possibly be using several hundred words by 3rd birthday, can scribble and make marks on paper with a crayon.
| By this age the child likes to begin to explore and they are able to respond to the simple directions that they are given, can group objects by category, are able to stack rings on pegs in the order of the size (big to small), able to recognize themselves when looking in the mirror and finally they still like imitating more complex adult actions for example housekeeping play.
Children's speech at this boundary develops quite a this age children begin to ask and answer simple questions such as ‘what's that noise? and who's that?'. They start to use plurals such as shoes and past tense as I did It.
Communication development 0-3 years listening to parents and practitioner and starting to recognise their name by 1 and half they should be able to say mama dada ect and start to join in with rhymes such as twinkle twinkle little star. At the age of 3 they should be able to say at least 200 words. If the child has a speech problem then we use 100 words pictures and sign language to see what they know.
As a child grows they will need less physical contact and will start to use more words an more complex words, they will also start to ask a lot more questions, understanding this will allow the child to develop and help them to grow
7-14 years --- By this stage, most children are fluent speakers of language and are developing and refining their skills at reading and writing. Their language skills enable them to think about and discuss their ideas and learning in more abstract terms.
1.2 – Assess a child or young person’s development in following areas :- physical, communication, intellectual/ cognitive, social, emotional and behavioural and moral.
Children at 3 to 4 years will usually be actively learning language and asking many questions.
At this age they start to grow rapidly, they learn to crawl and walk, and they start learning a few words and noises. They can start eating on their own with a knife and fork, learn to do new things such as kicking and throwing a ball, start scribbling using a pen, climb up and down the stairs and can sort shapes in a shape sorter. They can turn pages and knobs of doors and are able to pedal a tricycle. Some skills using
0-3 years From the stages between 0-3 year’s children are learning their reflexes, about people around them, how to play alongside others etc. During this stage it is very important that all children get every type development without any problems as this may cause harsh conditions for them in the future.
Children learn most of what they know through play. There are many ways in which a child learns on a daily basis, they learn the skills and