
Beware The Quick Tech Fit When By Nancy Carlsson-Paige: Article Analysis

Decent Essays

Technology is becoming increasingly prevalent in the world today. In the article Beware the quick tech fix when… by Nancy Carlsson-Paige, the there is a shocking statistic that stuck out to me: “72 percent of iTunes’ top-selling ‘education’ apps are designed for preschoolers and elementary school children.” In the same article, Carlsson states that kids learn through direct play and hands-on experiences with people, materials and nature. Through research we know that kids need first-hand engagement. Children are spending more and more time engaged in passive play, using a keyboard or electronic device. There are significant benefits and drawbacks of technology on the fine arts and play. Many parents today rely on screen time to soothe and occupy their kids. Children tend to develop better hand-eye coordination with the use of technology. Another benefit includes children having a higher capacity for visual attention.
Kimberly Wonderly’s article, The Importance of Physical Play in Child …show more content…

The ages of the boys are 10 and 14. Andrew and Anthony are addicted to video games. Over the summer I am at their house from 8am to 5pm Monday through Friday. Before I started working for the family, the parents told me the boys were only allowed to play video games one hour a day. At first it was definitely a challenge to keep them occupied for the other eight hours of the day they weren’t playing video games. Luckily, they had a pool and there were parks nearby. When I first started watching them, the youngest Andrew loved reading. Each summer that went by, Andrew wanted to read less and less. As the years went on, the boys became bored with outside activities and wanted to stay inside all day. The boys play provocative and violent games. If I weren’t there to entertain them, they could easily play their video games for nine hours straight. This is just one example I have had with children and screen

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