
The Negative Effects Of Technology In Education

Good Essays

The popularity of technology is growing larger and faster than ever. The problem is, we may never be able to catch up to it. The young adolescent adults seemed to be more interested in technology. Some experts claim that it does more harm than value. In terms of education, technology is becoming more and more popular and used among many school districts, although this can come with complications and allows students to ease threw assignments without having to fix their own problems. Also, technology can affect teenagers social abilities and let strangers have access to personal information.
Education has found its way into the loop of technology. Teachers are using ipads and laptops during class time to help conduct experiments, or share a presentation. This is allowing the students to gain instant access to the information they are seeking. Students also receive the opportunity to complete their homework online and print off their assignments instead of just using paper and pencil. Another pro for Technology in Education, there are countless sources out there which help enhance learning. In one research conducted, they compared the performance of teaching kids how to read a clock. One group was coached by an online app, another was shown by a toy clock, and the last group was trained by a drawing example. The results revealed that the children that were taught by the toy and app exceeded the paper drawing group (Galetzka).
However, some would say that within education, the use of technology can influence students to cheat or take the easy way out on their assignments. “Students today can easily access essays, reports, class notes, tests, etc. online, making it that much more difficult for teachers to know if the work their students hand in is original” (Ronan). This dilemma interferes with teenagers processing new information. The Internet is a great tool; however, teens may rely too heavily on it, and worse, believe everything they see. I believe that the internet can be a great source to gain more knowledge, however, one needs to acknowledge how to effectively use this tool to benefit them. Next, technology helps us complete tedious tasks. For example, you are writing an essay and you are not an

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