
Beta And Delta Case Study

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The findings from the case studies indicate that the purchasing function is strongly determined by the policies of cooperation with suppliers, by the extent to which decision-making is centralized, by the choices made in other logistic functions and by external factors. Companies Beta and Delta seek to establish policies for relationships with suppliers which aim at obtaining economies of scale from the volume of goods purchased, responsiveness in the delivery of raw materials, storage of raw materials purchased, reductions in lead-times for orders and stability in the price and delivery of raw materials – this last item considered in relation to the quantity demanded by the companies. On the other hand, the lack of a policy for dealing with partnerships creates certain problems for companies Alpha and Gamma, such as low …show more content…

In order to remedy this malfunction, the company opted for higher stock levels of some materials and thus avoided production and delivery delays. Gélinas & Bigras (2004) hold that this interrelationship between the factors underlying the purchase and stocking function, heavily influenced by IS inefficiencies, are critical points which reduce the chances of logistics becoming a competitive advantage for the companies which have these characteristics, due to the fact that inconsistent exchange of information creates limitations to performance in the chain. Case study analysis of the production function makes it possible to identify three determining factors: lack of formal planning, underutilization of IS and the need to adapt to the environment. The lack of formal planning is the determining factor in the structure of production, since the inefficiency of forecasting mechanisms makes it possible for sales growth to be much higher than that expected by the

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