
Beatles : The Chinese Beatles

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The Chinese Beatles Mayday, a Taiwanese band, included 5 men, and they set up at around 90s. Their band was named So Band, and change to Mayday in 1997. A-shin (lead vocalist), Monster (lead guitarist), Stone (Rhythm guitarist) and Massa (bass guitarist) known each other when they were in high school. They wanted to publish their own album, so they send their demo to all big record company. In 1997, Rock Records signed Mayday. In 1999, Guan You (drummer) joined with them and published their first album. With the time goes by, they become more and more famous in all over the world. Mayday have published 9 albums, sold out more than 21 million concert tickets, and won more than 200 awards from all over the world. Mayday already had 9 large-scale concerts, and their 10th large-scale tour is going on now. Asian media consider they are “Kings of the Rock Concert” and The Washington Post consider they are “The Chinese Beatles”. At actually, Mayday had a deep influence by Beatles. Beatles is their goal and they also want to do some good music like them. The first songs that I choose would be Jump! The World. This song was published on Aug 2010, Lyrics and Music were created by A-shin. As Mayday said they were a rock band, at around 2010, there are some people consider they are a fake rock band and very not satisfied with them. In return, their lead vocalist, A-shin, said that, if rock is turnover for the world policy, then Mayday would be for this turnover and turnover. For this

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