
Transcendentalism Of The Beatles : The Ideas Of The Beatles

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“Always do what you are afraid to do," Ralph Waldo Emerson once said this. This means that even though something is scary you should still attempt it even if it means that it is hard to do and this was an idea that transcendentalist agreed on. Transcendentalism was this philosophical an idea, that came from the 19th century, in New England. The people in this group thought that you could find a knowledgeable intuitive awareness that is conditional upon the individual if you had believed in transcendentalism and its beliefs. It was also, basically a protest against the state of culture and society in the 1800’s. These Transcendentalist had new forms of principles that they followed (like like the ideas of nature, individualism, and self reliance) and they based their live off of these ideas. The Beatles had connected to these same ideas through their many songs and albums for over a decade. This band formed in the 1960’s in Liverpool England, they built their fame by starting out playing at clubs and bars around Liverpool. There were four people in band which included: Ringo Starr, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and John Lennon they had studied transcendental meditation in India for a whole summer, they listened to many lectures. Transcendentalist had believed in nature, religion, and self reliance which you can find in many Beatles songs like: “Strawberry Fields Forever”, “Mother Nature's Son”, “Blackbird,” and “Tomorrow Never Knows”. Both Emerson and

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