
Batman Of Zur-En-Arrh Essay

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The most important character of the entire story is Bruce Wayne, AKA Batman, AKA The Batman of Zur-En-Arrh. Bruce Wayne is the main protagonist of the story. He is depicted as a rich, intelligent, and successful businessman and crime fighter. While dressed as his alter ego, Batman he fights the crime organizations of Gotham. In the story, Bruce is depicted in many different ways: as Batman, and as The Batman of Zur-En-Arrh. The main difference between the two personas is their costumes. The Batman is an all-black and yellow suit, resembling a bat, while The Batman of Zur-En-Arrh wears a suit of purple, red, and black trash. These two personas are very important to Bruce’s development as a character and they highlight important personal details. The Batman of …show more content…

While this may be true for new readers, the story does a fantastic job of preluding to future events. For example, at the beginning of the story, Honor’s role in the story is precluded. The representation of time in the story can be confusing. Often flashbacks are incorporated in the middle of scenes, and time jumps back and forth throughout the story. A particularly confusing point is when Batman comes to after he is captured and drugged by The Black Glove.
Batman R.I.P. is very much a rebirth story. Here, we saw the rise, fall, and then rise again of Batman. This story has many parallels to the story of Jesus Christ. At the beginning of the story the reader sees Batman performing a typical Batman act of heroism (rise). It then progresses to Batman being incapacitated by the Black Glove and him being reduced to The Batman of Zur-En-Arrh (fall). Batman then infiltrates the Black Glove at Arkham Asylum, destroys Dr. Hurt and rediscovers himself as the Batman (rise). This story truly highlights the progression of a tragic hero. A tragic hero is one who faces a tragic set back on their quest for greatness. In many stories throughout literature

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