
How Does Batman Use Cinematography In The Dark Knight

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The Dark Knight (2008) is the second movie in The Dark Knight Trilogy by Christopher Nolan. It deals with serious issues such as order vs. chaos, good vs evil, corruption,escalation, justice,heroism and faith. In this paper, I will examine the implicit meaning of the movie, and I will analyze three important scenes, in which Nolan uses mies-en-scene, cinematography and sound to reinforce the themes of the movie.
Bruce Wayne the protagonist, along with district attorney Harvey Dent and Lieutenant Jim Gordon are fighting a sadistic villein, the joker. Throughout the movie the joker tests their boundaries and force them to make extremely difficult and ethical decisions. The movie begins with Batman’s realization that he can no longer put him …show more content…

Its purpose is to create the atmosphere in the setting. Nolan heavily relies on dark lighting most of the movie to build up tension for the audience and to express his main characters.Furthermore, he uses low-key lighting intensify Batman’s appearance on the screen. In the interrogation room scene Nolan uses lighting to connect the audience to the energy of the scene. The room is dark , only two lamps are on, one ceiling lamp on the background, behind commissioner Gordon, and one lamp on the table that creates a low-key lighting , which casts a shadow and highlights the joker’s face on the dark background. This type of lighting create a mysterious and gloomy atmosphere when the Joker talks about gordon’s corrupted crew and Dent’s unknown location. Nolan uses Low Angle shot while slowly zooming in on Gordon’s face. A low angel is made with the camera below the action and typically places the observer in the position of feeling helpless in the presence of an obviously superior force (looking at movies, p. 246).this implies that the joker is in an inferior position. However, his word affects Gordon, and it makes him feel helpless and alone in his corrupted police force. Up to this point, the audience should ask themselves why is the room so dark, it is an indication that something is about to happen in the scene. Half of Gordon’s body is lit and the other half is in the dark .This gives us clues that he is hiding …show more content…

Commissioner Gordon came to visit Harvey Dent in the hospital, he appears on the screen in a medium close-up shot and in a dutch angel. The use of this angel gives us hint about Dante’s condition, he lost the love of his life because of the police’s corruption. Gordon is looking down, not creating eye-contact because in a way he feels guilty. The camera is now directed to Dent with the same camera techniques. The audience could only the right half of his face,which is undamaged. A sad tone is played in order to make the viewer feel empathy for Dent. The camera is slowly zooming in on dent in a close up shot from Gordon’s point of view angel, it indicates that Dent is finally going to turn his head and revel his other side. As he turns his head, the sad tune turns into a scary and suspenseful sound and Nolan immediately switches the shot to a medium close-up shot on Gordon, so that the audience would not see Dent’s face yet, but would be able to see Gordon’s reaction and face expression. Nolan uses this genius technic to build tension and thrill to the introduction of Two-face.Gordon looked frightened from the horrific sight which increased the tension even more. Nolan shoots two more close-up shots of Dent before he reveals his other half of his face to draw more attention to the main subject of the scene. Finally, Dent shows his whole face to the audience in another close-up shot. His left

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