
Article : Case-Control Study Of Ceervical Cancer

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Author, Title, Year

Authors: Austin, R. M., & Onisko, A.
Title: Original article: Increased cervical cancer risk associated with extended screening intervals after negative human papillomavirus test results: Bayesian risk estimates using the Pittsburgh Cervical Cancer Screening Model

Year: 2016 Authors: Nitschmann, C., May, T., Mirkovic, J., & Feldman, S.
Title: Screening history among women with invasive cervical cancer in an academic medical center: Will we miss cancers following updated guidelines?
Year: 2016 Authors: Petry, K. U., Rinnau, F., Böhmer, G., Hollwitz, B., Luyten, A., Buttmann, N., & ... Iftner, T.
Title: Annual Papanicolaou screening for 5 years among human papillomaviruss negative women.

Year: 2013 Authors: …show more content…

Dependent Variable: Women which develop cervical cancer despite negative HPV testing Independent Variable: Pap test interval from normal pap to time of cancer diagnosis Women

Dependent Variable: Women under 30 years diagnosed with ISCC and IAC of the cervix Independent Variable: Annual pap smears for 5 consecutive years

Dependent Variable: The percentage of women diagnosed with cervical cancer Independent Variable: Women 65 years and older whom received continued pap smears

Dependent Variable: The development of invasive cervical cancer


The Pittsburgh Cervical Cancer Screening Model (PCCSM) was used to estimate cancer risks for patients screened

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