
Arguments Against Police Brutality

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Through the passed years police brutality has been known throughout the Country. Many blacks have been killed by white policeman and still there has been no stop. Our question is in the future, how will things turn out between the differences between color?
To strengthen the relationship between law enforcement and the community, I would stop police from killing blacks without a reason, cease the interrogation of policeman from stopping us on highways and law enforcement should be on duty often at night. Police should stop shooting unarmed African Americans. In 2014, 1149 African Americans have been killed by law enforcement, unarmed and clueless. Black people are killed three times more than Caucasians in the United States. In 2014, Trevon Martin was walking to his girlfriend’s house one day, a man suspected that he was up to no good. Police told him to not fire his gun and they would be there soon. He fired anyway and killed him when he was doing nothing wrong. The man was not charged for his wrong decision and still now police interrogate blacks. Law enforcement should eliminate their behavior of interrogating African Americans on highways. Police believe we are dangerous and most active race for killing people and drunk driving. While …show more content…

But, searching and looking for blacks, there is steal other races out there on the streets, ready for action. If police are on the streets during the evening and at night, I think there could be a chance of us having a safe environment. Criminals will notice this change and might could even change their act, so they would not end up in a bad situation. This will be safer to our elders, the little ones and even the law enforcement themselves. This idea might also change the argument about police brutality because everyone would have good spirits, citizens would no what’s right and what’s

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