
Argumentative Essay On Cops And African Americans

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Cops and African Americans don’t seem to being getting along, is the African American community broken or are the cops to be blamed. Over the past years you have heard of people, more specifically African Americans, being harmed or killed unarmed. It is no surprise that cops are treating them as dangerous animals. A cop managed to kill Samuel DuBose, forty-three years old, who escaped from the hands of the cop and was running away. The cops said that he had feared for his life when Samuel truly had never truly harmed or threatened the cop. There was even footage of Samuel escaping from the cop and later being gunned down by him. The numbers of deaths against unarmed African Americans is getting out of hand and needs to be contained. Out of the 30 major incidents against African Americans 20 were unarmed, two probably had firearms, and 8 were alleged to have non-lethal weapons. How is it possible that 20 out of the 30 died without even having a dangerous weapons. …show more content…

Its could also be said that African Americans are to blame if they don't respect the cops and the law. Now I agree but also disagree. While yes, people who don't respect the law or cops are foolish but cops shouldn't kill a person because they simply didn't listen to them. Less lethal weapons should be held by cops such as tasers, blunt-impact projectiles, pepper balls, and bean bags. Bean bags which are filled with lead, silicone, and rubber balls can be shot from a shotgun. It can cause pain, muscle spasms, and even temporary immobility but no penetration of the skin. There can only be one way of truly fixing this. Cops should go through more serious training in trying to find other ways of constructing a person who is not listening. Also cops should only use their guns for when a person is truly posing a real threat. Another way that might help is to put a cop in jail if they actually killed a innocent

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