
Arguments Against Police Brutality

Decent Essays

Police brutality is a major violation of human rights, which has always been an issue, but within the past years it has only gotten worse. I believe police abuse is one of the most pressing issues within criminal justice. The people who are supposed to be protecting us are the same ones who are frightening us and sometimes even injuring us.
A very common form of police brutality is racial profiling. Racial profiling is the use of race or ethnicity as reasoning for suspecting someone to have committed a crime. This has been a widespread issue all over the United States. There have been too many incidents involving racial profiling that many of us have even seen all over social media and was once a trending topic all over twitter. There have been so may injustices towards black people there was a movement started known as Black Lives Matter.
A huge case that involved racial profiling was the Trayvon Martin case. Trayvon Martin, a young black male, got into an altercation with the neighborhood watch, George Zimmerman which led to Trayvon being fatally shot and killed. Trayvon had been unarmed and was being followed by Zimmerman because Zimmerman believed he was a suspicious person. The shooting and injustices of Trayvon Martin led to a nationwide uproar. …show more content…

In a survey 52% of police officers said it is common for law enforcement officials to disregard the inappropriate conduct of other officers. While 61% of officers claimed they usually do not report serious abuse that they have directly witnessed by colleagues. Yes, we all know that there are always going to be a few corrupt and unethical people within every profession, but these statistics show that within the police officer profession there are far more than a few corrupt and unethical

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