
Persuasive Essay On Police Brutality

Decent Essays

Police brutality is a very widespread topic through all religions, all kinds of different cultures and all races. People believe that police officers use their powers and their badge to hold them to a higher standard then the average civilian. I belief that its all up to interpretation and the many experiences we go through that define a bad cop from a good one. If we judge all police officers from one bad cop how do we expect to change? Its a never ending cycle that has to change and heres some examples on how we can do so. Prince George’s County, Maryland, a suburb of Washington D.C., Provides a study on if police are actually racist, the county’s experience suggest that racism is deeply structured of policing, and isn’t going to change …show more content…

Its hypocritical and embarrassing for the country because we say we hate the police because of what the media is showing us, Which isn’t our fault but this is The United States Of America and we’re free to have our own opinion so we should be held accountable for our thoughts about being hypocritical about needing the police.

“If police had more of the minority in suits and protecting the people just as much as the majority, would the crime rates be different?” Said (Alex R. Piquero from University Of Texas at Dallas). The police already has a very small population of the minority group already on the police force, If you go to California or New Mexico you can see that most police officers are hispanic, and the same for New York of New Jersey most of the police officers are African American. Most people however could very well see a change in police brutality if there was even more of the minority in the police force. In some cases of police brutality it isn’t brutality at all, the civilians have been known in most cases to push the police officers to their “brink” and push them to use excessive force, so basically setting up police officers to continue the persona that all police officers are bad. Police officers are incredibly easy to work with but you also

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