
Argumentative Essay On Hcg Injections

Decent Essays

Losing weight is a long and often difficult journey, often exacerbated by unknown medical problems. However, with enthusiastic support and customized weight loss plans, weight loss goals are easier to achieve. At RCMC Medical Center, they customize their medical weight loss programs to meet the needs to each individual. These weight loss programs often include the use of HCG Injections.

What are HCG Injections

Created over 50 years ago by Dr. Simeons, HCG injections use medical grade pregnancy hormones (HCG) to help suppress the appetite and burn targeted fat deposits in both men and women. When used in combination with a low calorie diet, nutritional counseling, on going support, and other indicated medical weight loss treatments, HCG injections have been proven to help reduce hunger, increase …show more content…

At RCMC Medical Center, hundreds of people have reached their goals for a healthier life using HCG injections and other weight loss programs. Here are just a few of their stories.

Bill R.

Bill had tried several fad diets in the past and they all ended up with the same results: little to no weight loss that quickly returned. He turned to RCMC Medical Center hoping their medical weight loss programs would help where others had failed. Since failure isn't an option at RCMC Medical Center, they worked tirelessly to develop a plan and give Bill the tools he needed to change his life and keep the weight off. In only 12 short weeks, Bill had lost 45 pounds!

Rich R.

Rich came to RCMC Medical Center with diabetic blood sugar levels of 241 and high triglycerites at 353. They worked with him to develop a weight loss plan that completely turned his health around. In just 6 weeks time, his blood sugar levels returned to a healthier level of 89 and his triglycerites dropped to 105. As wonderful as those numbers are, his weight loss in the same time frame (6 weeks) was a staggeringly 45

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