
Mrs. Rogers Case Study Summary

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Mrs. Rogers was a diabetic patient who repeatedly had HgbA1C levels higher than the desired range despite frequent medication compliance, exercise, and education on diet.

When a new Nurse Practitioner, George, joined the practice and began seeing Mrs. Rogers, he asked that her husband and four children attend her for the next appointment.

George explained to Mrs. Rogers’s family her needs, condition, and changes essential to her lifestyle in order to get her in improved health. George hoped that by including Mrs. Rogers’s family, who support and love her, in her care, he could improve her compliance, and the health of the entire family.

Three months later when Mrs. Rogers came back for a follow-up, her HgbA1C had declined considerably and was nearly in normal range. …show more content…

Rogers’s husband accompanied her for results, and explained to George that now he knew what foods to buy and prepare, and how to help his wife better control her diabetes, and they had made it a family mission to improve her numbers.

The Rogers’s family began a exercise and diet program, and had all lost weight and improved their health, in addition to better controlling Mrs. Rogers’s diabetes.

George saw personally how including and treating the family as a unit, had helped Mrs. Rogers personally, and the family as a whole in prevention, illness, and

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