
Sports Nutrition Personal Statement

Decent Essays

I arrived home after my first year of college to a dining room filled with brown cardboard boxes. Curious as usual, I peeked inside the boxes to discover even more boxes. The bright, bold letters on the packages caught my eye, and I remember reading labels, like “low-fat lasagna” and “high-fiber muffins”. It did not take long for me to realize my mom had started another diet program. She had struggled with weight management issues for most of her adult life, so I was accustomed to her trying various diet plans that all promised fast and easy weight loss. That summer, I watched as she opened over a hundred boxes and microwaved meals that came out looking nothing like the perfect, appetizing pictures on the covers.
When I came home the semester …show more content…

The job required learning about nutrition and health in relation to sports performance. Learning the information was not the challenging part for me though. It was the execution. Many of the athletes refused to try any vegetables or drink a smoothie not filled with copious amounts of peanut butter and honey. I discovered that encouraging people to change their health habits was difficult, and achieving goals in the public health field meant overcoming challenges like this every day. Working with these athletes helped me develop the patience, creativity, and determination necessary for my future success, and I’ll never forget the morning when I looked up to see a typically surly offensive lineman smiling after taking a sip of his first spinach …show more content…

Nutrition plays such a critical role in maintaining a person’s overall health and well-being, and I want to help people find manageable ways to incorporate a healthy diet into their lives. I am specifically interested in nutrition interventions and programs in the workplace. Professionals are spending more time at work, and healthier options and environments could help combat the obesity epidemic and improve the overall health of

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