
Anxiety Research Paper

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What causes Anxiety Disorders? Well… the cause of anxiety disorders is unknown but anxiety disorders are not the result of weakness or a flaw in character (Anxiety-panic disorders guide). Scientists are still continuing their research on mental illnesses, however “it is becoming clear that many of these disorders are caused by a combination of facts, including changes in the brain and environmental stress,” (Anxiety-panic disorders guide).
Everyone will feel some form of anxiety at some point in his or her life because “anxiety is a normal reaction to stress,” (Teen Health – Anxiety and Teens). However with teenagers, some of them react more strongly to stressful situations than others (Teen Health – Anxiety and Teens). A common form of anxiety …show more content…

When a person is feeling in danger or threatened in anyway, “a person feels physical sensations of anxiety – things like a faster heartbeat and breathing, tense muscles, sweaty palms, and a queasy stomach, and trembling hands or legs,” (Anxiety Disorders). Even though those symptoms are the most common symptoms there are also other symptoms for or types of anxiety. For example with separation anxiety a person may have the symptoms listed above as well as getting to sleep or staying asleep, headaches, and problems paying attention, (Anxiety Disorders in Children and Teens). Most people do not understand the difference between serious anxiety symptoms and everyday anxiety symptoms but here is the difference… Everyday symptoms are symptoms that everyone gets such as sweaty palms before presenting in front of the class or slightly shaky hands where people with serious anxiety problems feel like they are about to physically die, they are paralyzed and do not know what to do with themselves. It may be hard to tell the difference between the everyday symptoms of anxiety and the serious symptoms but keep in mind if you ever feel like you physically cannot leave to do something such as leave your chair to go present in front of your classmates you might be showing serious signs of anxiety. Therefore because serious anxiety symptoms have to be shown in order to diagnose anxiety, it is not over-diagnosed in

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