Donald Trump is to America what Raid is to roaches, a nuisance. It’s hard to understand Trump's appeal. Maybe America just wants an obnoxious, over the top dingleberry to have the nuclear codes. Originally, when I heard that Trump was running for president I thought that it would make for a good joke, an obvious reach for publicity, rooted in an eccentric ego anxious to prove how low his nuts can really hang, but I never thought that he would succeed in becoming an actual candidate, much less, being elected as our commander and chief. A businessman with no prior experience in politics running a campaign seemingly fueled by Brawndo, pimping the fears and anxieties of his supporters in order to Make America great again. Whether it’s …show more content…
Trump supporters are arguably the most dedicated, passionate, misinformed, and violent crowd around. Following the mantra “If you’re not with me, then you’re against me”. A liberal protester is liable to march into a rally just to be carried out on a stretcher. Unfortunately, Trump rallies are synonymous with violence. Take the case of John McGraw, 78, a retired veteran that could’ve had a promising career in MMA if not for his age. During a rally in Fayetteville, N.C, he elbowed protester Rakeem Jones, 26, with a cheap shot to the face while Jones was being escorted off property due to his opposing views. Yet, when asked later in an interview about the confrontation, McGraw threatened “Next time we see him, we might have to kill him!” However, McGraw took it upon himself to make amends shortly after being sentenced to one year unsupervised …show more content…
They’re calling for hackers everywhere to unite for a common purpose, to bring down Lex Lu-- Donald Trump. Appalled by his divisive ideas and witnessing the looming threat to civil liberty. Anonymous are seeking to rip the legs from under his high horse by revealing to the world who Donald really is, a self absorbed child who's only looking to benefit
Mr. Trump is making headlines again, but not for his racist, homophobic, or ableist slurs, rather for encouraging violence at this rallies. During a recent Trump rally, a 26-year-old Rakeem Jones was escorted and sucker-punched in the face by one of the security officials, John McGraw for protesting during the rally. After a week of the incident, McGraw was charged with assault and disorderly conduct. McGraw showed his impenitence when he told Inside Edition, “he deserved it. The next time we see him, we might have to kill him: We don’t know who he is. He might be with a terrorist organization”.
We as citizens of the United States of America are lucky enough to live in a nation where we are free to make our own decisions and pursue our dreams really without any government interference. However, while this is a blessing, at times it can be quite a curse. A perfect example of this would be the ability for anyone to attempt to become President even if they aren’t in the least bit qualified. If you haven’t figured out who I’m referring to I’m talking about one Donald J. Trump. Trump is a business man who has made billions of dollars through real estate and other means. While successful this man has no business running a country, especially one as powerful as ours. However, for the past few months Mr. Trump has lead in the republican polls.
The issue that has developed more openly in the media is whether or not President Elect Trump should or shouldn’t sever his business ties. Those that are for him severing his ties say that these businesses could prove as a distraction to his presidency. If nothing else they could influence his actions as president to improve his own wellbeing while keeping the interest of the nation out of the picture. The other side of the argument believe that it doesn’t matter if he keeps them or not as no other president was being pushed so hard to remove their assets out of their own control. Even though he has chosen to do so it still will take time for this transition to take place and really doesn’t matter as he could be halfway through his presidency
Donald John Trump, Sr. a republican presidential candidate, he first started off his career as a businessman by joining his father's company(Elizabeth Trump & Son) after his college graduation. In about 1971 Trump inherited all of his father's company and renamed it Trump Organization, which is it current name. Between about 1972-2000 Trumps company had a lot of ups and downs that included him almost going bankrupt and in 1997 raising his company value from $900million to almost $2 billion. In about 2004 is when he really took advantage of popularity and high profile leading him to start the show “Celebrity Apprentice”. Then sometime in 2012 he returned to the world of politics when he publicly announced he was considering running for president
Sarah has finally stepped out of her foxhole; she made it public appearance in the Iowa State University rally, to endorse Donald Trump in the final rallies before the Iowa caucuses. It was no surprise that she endorsed Mr. Trump. Is she aware of his sexist tendencies? Most likely she’s not, because we all know females are just too hormonal to pay attention. She obviously missed Mr. Trump’s tantrum to not participate in the Republican debate, until Fox removes Megyn Kelly from moderating the G.O.P Debate. He believes that Megyn Kelly the debate moderator “is not very good at what she does”, and probably is bleeding from her eyes and ears.” Fortunately Fox decision not to give in to Mr. Trump childish behaviors.
The event that caused most attention from the world last year was the presidential election that was held in America. Trump is the one who got the most attention in the presidential election last year. Trump is well known for his wealth and his speeches using verbal words, but he absolutely has a clear idea on how to make U.S. great again. I support Trump because he will make U.S. more prosperous; his laws will be more conservative, and lastly he will build a wall between Mexico.
Trump victory ‘incredible’ reads the front page of The Journal Gazette, and yes, effectively that’s the way it was. Sad was the final result of the presidential elections 2016. Ever since he announced his candidacy to become president of the Divided States of America, Donald Trump was heavily criticized and was never given credit or remote chances of winning. We were too busy criticizing his incoherencies and dumb ideas he had to become the next president of the Divided States of America. The truth of it is that we did not pay attention that, while he was working trying to enamor the voters of the people that had never participated in a presidential election, we were too busy criticizing, judging and laughing at the images that constantly showed the racial tensions and hatred prevalent in most of his political campaign rallies toward the
Donald Trump is not a politician, but he has a love for his country that motivates him to become a good president. He may not have political experience, but he is a successful businessman that has a fresh outlook onto certain situations. Trump is not a puppet to donors unlike some, and he will follow his own voice and lead. He won't be persuaded as easily as others. Donald Trump offers new ideas that can help America grow economically and politically. Donald Trump's foreign policy is aggressive, but needed to take down radical terrorist groups. In April, Trump said "America First will be the major and overbidding theme of my administration." In addition, his tax policy is to "eliminate job- killing regulations" and "have massive tax reform and simplification." His tax policy will boost the economy and help create more jobs. Additionally, the public trusts
In a lengthy speech billed as an economic speech, presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton launched a part two blistering assault on her Republican rival Donald Trump, this time on his economic plans.
Can a business man run an entire country? That question has been going across American minds as the November 2016 election approaches. Seeing as you are unfamiliar with the politics of the United States. Donald Trump has been known for A lot of successions throughout his life. A politician, however, was not one of them. Trump is known for his famous buildings such as Trump Plaza, Trump’s Taj Mahal, and Trump tower. The buildings in which are owned by Trump are located in the North eastern American region. Owning so many companies can be tough but apparently not tough enough for Trump. After having many successful businesses worth millions of dollars, being married three times and having five kids by 2006, and
If I could vote, I would vote for Donald Trump, he is American, he is faithful in all the work he does. He also has enough guts to uphold the second amendment, unlike Hillary. He is also going to be a great president when he starts cutting the tax rates in half and people get better jobs here in America. His religious ways will hopefully make the American people follow his footsteps and get in a good bible church. He is going to bring some serious but good change to America. I like the fact that he is going to keep the Mexicans out by building a border, all them Mexicans are coming over here and America is paying them and there giving them and living off free child support an taking the child support back over to Mexico.
“ Blankey, Bethany “very pro- life Donald Trump stance on abortion changes with the Audience” Live action news N.p., o5 Dec 2015 web 21 Jan 2016
After taking the I Sade with quiz online i got Austin Peterson as my most likely canidet, Followed by Donald trump and I sided with hollers Clinton the least. Given that the news never talks about Austin Peterson and I don't know anything about him I will write about Donald trump. After the test I saw that Donald Trump and I both have the same views on foreign policy and immigration reforms. I also admire the way he will speak his mind towards a thing he likes or dislikes. To be honest I'm not surprised that I got less then 45% Hillary Clinton because she's a corrupt and a criminal.
Donald Trump is an unstoppable monster created by the GOP as a result of decades of appealing to the far right conservative groups along with using smart, unique, and quite frankly insane tactics that, with any other politician,
In terms of both candidates I really was surprised in lots of things that had happened in their childhoods. In particular Donald Trump that had always had that winning mentality. At a very young age he had got sent to the military academy and most that would go would absolutely hate it due to how hard it is to be in the military academy. I think one of the most interesting things that I learned about Donald Trump is that he in his own eyes he only saw losers and winners in this world and his father had installed the idea that in this world you either a ¨killer¨. And what Donald’s dad was trying to say is you either someone who has lots of confidence to do what you wanted to do or you are just not meant to be for this world and just a loser. On the other hand Hillary Clinton at a very young age had always been one the most intelligent students when she went to school. At one point she had been going to be school to become a lawyer and in that same school she ended up meeting Bill Clinton.She had went to one of the top law schools in the country which was Yale. Later on she