
Donald Trump Persuasive Essay

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Donald Trump is to America what Raid is to roaches, a nuisance. It’s hard to understand Trump's appeal. Maybe America just wants an obnoxious, over the top dingleberry to have the nuclear codes. Originally, when I heard that Trump was running for president I thought that it would make for a good joke, an obvious reach for publicity, rooted in an eccentric ego anxious to prove how low his nuts can really hang, but I never thought that he would succeed in becoming an actual candidate, much less, being elected as our commander and chief. A businessman with no prior experience in politics running a campaign seemingly fueled by Brawndo, pimping the fears and anxieties of his supporters in order to Make America great again. Whether it’s …show more content…

Trump supporters are arguably the most dedicated, passionate, misinformed, and violent crowd around. Following the mantra “If you’re not with me, then you’re against me”. A liberal protester is liable to march into a rally just to be carried out on a stretcher. Unfortunately, Trump rallies are synonymous with violence. Take the case of John McGraw, 78, a retired veteran that could’ve had a promising career in MMA if not for his age. During a rally in Fayetteville, N.C, he elbowed protester Rakeem Jones, 26, with a cheap shot to the face while Jones was being escorted off property due to his opposing views. Yet, when asked later in an interview about the confrontation, McGraw threatened “Next time we see him, we might have to kill him!” However, McGraw took it upon himself to make amends shortly after being sentenced to one year unsupervised …show more content…

They’re calling for hackers everywhere to unite for a common purpose, to bring down Lex Lu-- Donald Trump. Appalled by his divisive ideas and witnessing the looming threat to civil liberty. Anonymous are seeking to rip the legs from under his high horse by revealing to the world who Donald really is, a self absorbed child who's only looking to benefit

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