Anonymous Anonymous is a group whose members are geographically scattered around the world but unitedthrough the Internet, consisting largely of multiple imageboards and forums. Originating in 2003 on theimageboard 4chan, the name came from the perceived anonymity of users posting content on theInternet. In its early form, Anonymous was a decentralized online community of people actinganonymously in a coordinated manner, usually towards a loose goal of entertainment. Beginning in 2008,the group became
Alcoholics Anonymous Alcoholics Anonymous is a group composed of men and women who want to stop drinking and help each other stay on the path towards sobriety. They are not affiliated with any other organization, denomination, or institution and the only requirement for membership is the desire to stop drinking (Fisher & Harrison, 2013). They meet at least once a week, if not more to support one another and to share their experiences, struggles, and successes. I attended an AA meeting held at
Anonymous Anonymous, an infamous hacktivist group. Their slogan “We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.” Now, one can come to think that they kind of sound like an underground rebel group. Which is what they are, but they do it all via the internet. Once must also think, “well how do they do it all via internet and not get caught?” They tunnel all their nodes and logs through private networks and encrypted chats. You may ask, what do they fight for? Well
Attending an Alcoholic Anonymous Meeting Alcoholics Anonymous was founded in the basis that alcoholism cannot be healed medically, but spiritually. Alcoholics Anonymous was founded in 1939 by Bill Wilson, and Dr. Robert Smith (B’s, n.d.). The main goal of Alcoholics Anonymous is recovery from alcoholism, and to fully abstain from consuming alcohol. Several non-stated goals are staying out of jail, fixing a financial situation, or becoming happier (Trizio, 2006). After attending in a meeting for
The hacktivist group Anonymous has recently terrified many corporations and operations with its ability to hack, publically humiliate and to release confidential information in the name of freedom of speech. Although participation is widely dissipated throughout the world and its current power is quite possibly uncontrollable, Anonymous had humble beginnings and hasn’t always possessed such a violently noble cause. The evolvement of Anonymous from its not-so-respectable intentions to its worldwide
inductive field considers analyzes how an online group called Anonymous transitioned from being a little assembling of donors concentrated on recreation to turning into a group of hackers, trolls and activists brooding
and well known one was the group called Anonymous. Starting from pretty childish beginnings this groups has come to be the face of the hacker subculture and for the groups many activist movements. Though a simple philosophy of not being content with idea of censorship on the internet and have taken common hacking techniques like denial of service attacks to combat this dictatorship like acts of control on the internet. The introduction of a group like Anonymous to the world has influenced many other
Effectiveness of Anonymous Groups for Individuals with Substance Abuse Disorders Danielle M. Slain University of Minnesota Abstract The prevalence and participation of various Anonymous groups (I.e. Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous, etc.) has grown substantially over the last decade. Researchers suggest that attendance is an important part of recovery from substance abuse disorders, but dropout and relapse is still a common aspect of patient recovery. This review
or every one in 13 adults, abuse alcohol or have an alcoholism problem. However, Alcoholics Anonymous is one of the appropriate system of healing available for alcoholics in our society. Alcoholics Anonymous is among the worldwide institution devoted towards assisting alcohol addicts defeat alcohol misuse through supportive measures. In order to have a richer knowledge about what the Alcoholic anonymous group is, I decided to attend one of their meetings on the ninth of November, 2015. So therefore
Alcoholics Anonymous was founded in 1935 in Akron Ohio by Dr.Bob and Bill. They created this organization because they were alcoholics trying to get over their addiction at the time, they wanted to expand this group to help out even more people. How this organization started to take off and expand farther than Akron Ohio is, the two men Dr.Bob and Bill went to the hospital in Akron Ohio to help the alcoholics in the hospital. This man that they helped in the hospital helped the two men start the