
Annotated Bibliography On Learning With Educational Video Games

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Learning with Educational Video Games
Tierra Ricks
English Composition II
Prof. Annemarie Hamlin
March 14, 2016

Educational video games have been a hot topic in the past few years. Educational games prepare children to be more proficient with their work while being entertained. Educational video games promote good memory skills, provides motivation, and improves motor skills for children that are school aged in the United States. They can educate children in a healthy environment that provides excellent communication, so they can enhance their learning. It can enhance problem- solving while playing strategy games or puzzles. It also challenges the brain that connects memory and decision making. Educational video games are essential for the …show more content…

(2014). Video Games: Play that can do serious good. American Journal of Play, Volume 7. pp. 50-72. Evans, M., Norton, A., Chang, M., Deater-Deckard, K., & Bald, O. (2013). Youth and Video games. Exploring effects on learning and engagement. Zeitschrift fur Psychologie, Volume 221(2). pp. 98-106. Retrieved from Hamlen, K. (2013). Understanding children’s choices and cognition in video game play: A synthesis of three studies. Zeitschrift fur Psychologie, Volume 221 (2), pp.107-114. Retrieved from Hutchison, D. (2007). Video Games and the Pedagogy of Place. Social Studies, Volume 98(Issue 1).p 35-40.6p. Retrieved from Mellecker, R., Witherspoon, L. & Watterson, T. (2013). Active Learning: Educational Experiences Enhanced Through technology- drive active game play. Journal of Educational Research, Volume 106, pp 352-359. 8p. Retrieved from DOI

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