
Animal Testing For Dogs Essay

Decent Essays

INTRODUCTION Some people have questioned the relationship between dogs and their owners because of the obvious imprint a human can put on Man’s best friend. This research will hold true that people want a specific dog because of its personality. To assist anyone who will be attempting this research, there are a few key factors that will prove to be useful in understanding the different methods of testing.

First off, having a variety of dogs is essential in learning that different breeds show very different characteristics. Each can “exhibit personality traits in similar ways that humans do” (wonderpolis). Next, dogs influence real-world behavior, meaning the dog is predisposed to people in the world. Dogs that are not as socialized, can …show more content…

These specific materials were needed because the experiment would be harder to do if one didn’t have the right amount of people. Usually someone wouldn’t be able to associate the changes or resemblances. There were roughly 10 different breeds tested on big and small. Most dogs were altered because of what category of dog they remain.

Finding the similarities can help people find dogs they want instead of a dog they would hate. Humans can’t become friends with dogs if they don’t have anything in common with each other. Personality is extremely important to wanting a dog, especially if they act like their owner. Serving those if they’re blind or in need of a guide dog or search dog. Dogs and humans “create a bond” (science mag) helping the society a better place.

Everyone needs “a partner who is a bit like us, revealing the differences or common things about each other” (live science). Experimenting this can have a few flaws in them. Some dogs most likely will not cooperate with the people they know best. If the individual is happy the dogs sometimes would be lazy or wouldn’t respond as quickly. All dogs are different in size, weight, and age, which can affect any dog’s attitude. The puppies wouldn’t listen either, since they aren’t completely trained or just didn’t know their owners compassion for

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