
Similarities And Differences Between Cats And Dogs

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Almost every household in America has a pet, particularly a cat or a dog and sometimes even both. These animals have been humans’ pets for thousands of years. Cats actually used to be seen as deities because of an ancient Egyptian goddess. Egyptians would treat them with respect and dignity as they would treat their own children. Not only were cats treated with respect, dogs were too. Dogs were seen as faithful companions and were treasured in every family as they still are today. The reason that people choose either a cat or a dog as a pet differ from person to person. However, sometimes people think that there isn’t much of a difference between the two animals. Although cats and dogs seem closely related, they actually have some significant differences, such as their attitude about others, training, and maintenance. One of the most important considerations for all pet owners is how an animal associates with others. Cats are known for being solitary animals and are generally seen as selfish creatures that only think about themselves. In addition, cats are usually more self-sufficient pets than dogs and typically don’t rely on humans for much besides food and a clean litter box. Dogs, on the other hand, are pack animals that enjoy receiving and giving love. This clarifies why dogs bond so well with so many different animals and also humans. Usually, dogs see humans as their pack leader and follow the directions they give them and also protect them. In addition, since dogs

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