
Anesthesiologist Career Paper

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In the healthcare field there are a multiple amount of professions. These professions vary greatly in duties, requirements, salary and more. One of these many health professions, anesthesiologists, will be reviewed over the educational status required for the position, the profession’s role and function in society, and the workforce trends. The role of the anesthesiologist is to relieve pain for the patient during and after surgery. The Bureau of Labor Statistics defines the role of an anesthesiologist as: “…they administer the drugs that eliminate the sensation of pain…During surgery, they are responsible for adjusting the amount of anesthetic as needed and monitoring the patient’s heart rate, body temperature, blood pressure, and breathing.”1 Anesthesiologists, because they are in the midstream of perioperative care and thus can contribute to better patient outcomes and patient safety.2 On top of that, anesthesiologists are also responsible for the patients’ preoperative assessment and postoperative assessment.3 …show more content…

However, the twelve years only is about general anesthesiology and if one wanted to move into a specialty of anesthesiology, the residency would last a little longer. A study conducted in 1984 reported that many medical schools graduates were not considering anesthesiology as a specialty; one of the shocking reasons that came from this study was because of nurse anesthetists.4 So in 1984, many future doctors felt that they may lose earning power and responsibility from certified registered nurse anesthetists, however, many anesthesiologists not only control a great salary, but still a lot of responsibility as

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