
The Pros And Cons Of Becoming An Anesthesiologist

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The American society of Anesthesiology defines it as being “The Practice of medicine dedicated to the relief of pain and total care of the surgical patient before, during, and after surgery.” Before the creation of modern anesthesia, there were other methods of reducing pain, which often did more harm than good. One of which was alcohol, which was given to the patient so that they could tolerate pain during surgery, but the practice was highly dangerous, particularly in blood loss complications. The other alternative to anesthesia was giving the patient opiates, however they are also quite dangerous as they can become highly addictive and can carry dangerous side effects. To become an anesthesiologist in the United States, a person is required …show more content…

One of which is because there are many open spots currently available for aspiring anesthesiologists. This is partly due to the fact that the education and experience needed for this job is very intense and specific, as a doctorates degree as well as at least six years of interning are needed. Another reason is because the medical field as a whole is growing, so more jobs are becoming available. Furthermore, anesthesiologists are not restricted to working in a single office, as they have the opportunity work in various different medical offices, such as surgical offices, delivery units and dental offices, to name a few. Thanks to this, finding a job as an anesthesiologists is actually not that hard, especially when you consider the internships that are required, as you can have a chance of getting a job there. A typical work day for an anesthesiologists mainly consists of preparation and one on one discussion with the patients. The first thing that an anesthesiologist would do would be to prepare their room and set up everything that they'd need for the day. Afterwards, they'd have a one on one discussion with their patients in order to discuss their medical history, such as what medications they have taken, what medications (if any) they are currently taking and what medications they are allergic to, as well as any allergies they might have, in order to discuss the anesthetic

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