
Analysis Of Theme And Quotes In Goldman's Poem 'Love'

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Theme and Quote
“I love you so much more now than twenty minutes ago that there cannot be comparison. I love you so much more now than when you opened your hovel door, there cannot be comparison. There is no room in my body for anything but you. My arms love you, my ears adore you, my knees shake with blind affection. My mind begs you to ask it something so it can obey. Do you want me to follow you for the rest of your days? I will do that” (Goldman 58).

Goldman, is showing how Princess Buttercup loves Westley by his use of personification when she talks about her arms, ears, and knees love him. How her mind is asking for his love. This whole story is about how love conquers all. The use of repetition in the first two sentences show how Goldman wants us to believe that Princess Buttercup has truly fallen in love with Westley in under thirty minutes.
Loyalty …show more content…

To seek my fortune.”(This was just after America but long after fortunes.) “A ship sails soon from London. There is a great opportunity in America. I’m going to take advantage of it. I’ve been training myself. In my hovel. I’ve taught myself not to need sleep. A few hours only. I’ll take a ten-hour-a-day job and then I’ll take another ten-hour-a-day job and I’ll save every penny from both except what I need to eat to keep strong, and when i have enough I’ll buy a farm and build a house and make a bed big enough for two” (Goldman

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