
Analysis Of The Assassin Game

Decent Essays

The Assassin Game

The United Kingdom born writer Kristy Mckay was inspired by many things to write “The Assassin Game”. Kristy Mckay was inspired by others writing involving a same situation in their novel, but she just wasn't receiving the excitement and suspense in their writing. Mckay proceeded to then write her own novel that she knew she would be able to incorporate her own twist and style. Mckay knew of others books alike to the boarding school scenario but, choose the proceed with her idea in hopes of creating a better sequence of events during the book.
“The Assassin Game” is a fictional novel and is written in the present time, it revolves around a boarding school’s secret society, where members are strategically selected to …show more content…

In the beginning of the story Cate feels as if she is a normal girl in a school filled with geniuses and child prodigies, and wonders why she was selected. In my opinion her character is brave, intelligent,observant, but she also a little insecure. Throughout the story her character develops into a more outgoing and determined character as she tries to figure out who the killer is. During the novel there is also some romance that comes with Cate and Vaughan.(her childhood friend)
Another main character of the story is Cate’s childhood best friend Vaughan. His character is a bit mysterious during the beginning of the story because it isn't quite sure why he's come to Skola. Vaughan is also initiated initiated into the society, because he helped built the Guilds networking site. Cate isn’t sure if she’s able to trust Vaughan because back home they had a bad split. Vaughan is mysterious, but a sweetheart he is thought of as adorable and is in love with Cate. Vaughans character develops into more of a dangerous and outgoing person as Cate and him set out to find the killer. Although the killer is in the back of the reader’s mind, the readers cannot be sure of the culprit till the end of the story.
The point of view of the story is written through the perspective of Cate as the book is written in the form of a diary. The tone and style of the book was trying to portray a worried and mysterious vibe. Showing how know one knew who the killer was

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