
Analysis Of Psychosis And The Erikson Stages By Ann Olson

Satisfactory Essays

The Developmental Psychology of a Child has to do with studying the stages of a child. In the essay called Psychosis and the Eriksonian Stages by Ann Olson she simply describes each stage of a child’s emotion even from age 1 from Erikson’s point view. Here are the stages: 1. Trust versus mistrust -> Hope 2. Autonomy versus shame and doubt -> Will 3. Initiative versus guilt -> Purpose 4. Industry versus inferiority -> Competence 5. Identity versus role confusion -> Fidelity 6. Intimacy versus isolation -> Love 7. Generativity versus stagnation -> Care 8. Ego integrity versus despair -> Wisdom Trust versus mistrust starts as a baby when they need to establish a relationship with a caregiver or teacher. The next stage is when they are potty

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